Friday October 26, 2007
I am sure there are ways of getting ready for a trip and not leaving things to the last minute, but I haven’t found any of them yet. While I am uber organized (and no comments from the peanut gallery about that, please!). I always seem to leave lots to do until I absolutely have to do it. So it came as no surprise that on Friday, I had to wake up early (no precious sleeping in for Magie) and get a long list of thing done.
I arrived at the airport and spent about 5 minutes fighting with the stupid boarding pass machine (I’ve used them before, so it’s not like I didn’t know how to use it) but it just didn’t want to find me/ luckily an attendant saw that I was about to start pounding on it and came over to help me.
After getting all checked in, I met up with both my friends Heather and Ali as we were heading to security. Normally Homeland Security at the airport is not nice, but today the officer was pleasant, he didn’t even ask me any questions, just talked about the Sun Chips he has eating.
Then we all headed to the second security check point (the one where they x-ray the bags) as I am placing my stuff of the conveyor belt, one of the security guards tells me that I am going to have a random security check (hmmm ok, what does that mean?). But I figured they would likely be opening my carry-on bag, which had me a bit worried. Since I was carrying some Portuguese custard cupcakes, as a gift for James Marsters. I was worried I would loose them right there at the airport and then have nothing to give James. They did pass the wand over me and pat me down, and open my carry-on, but the guard never even took the tuber ware container out of the bag. The guard looked over my make-up really well, but I suspect it was only because she liked it. Once that new and interesting experience was over we headed to get something to eat, but unlike the last time I was VERY aware of the time (not making that mistake twice!). We actually made it to our gate just as they started the boarding, so that was good timing for us.
The plane rise was boring, I did watch “Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix”, but mostly I was bored. I was sitting in a window seat and happened to look out as we passed over the Grand Canyon. OK, first I have now added it to my list of places to see/visit and second, I know this sounds silly but boy is it BIG! And for it to be that big from the air, it is truly huge!
After the flight we got our luggage and found a shuttle, we were worried about how long it would take to get to Burbank (since that is where we were staying) from LAX, on a Friday night in LA. The driver told us we should expect it to take about 2 hours, and while we did hit traffic, we made it to the hotel in about an hour. So that wasn’t too bad.
We were staying at the Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel & Convention Center, which was where the Salute to Firefly / Serenity Convention was being held. It was a really nice hotel. But what sucked was that it was right across the street from the Burbank airport and because we were flying in from Toronto, we still to go to LAX, it would have been so much easier to fly into there, oh well.
After checking in (the easiest, fastest check in ever) and dropping off out stuff, we got some dinner at the City Gill restaurant in the hotel; we were just too tired to do anything else. What is it about flying that just takes it all out of you!
I held back to me room and was even wake when Margaret (friend number 3 and room mate) made it to the hotel, since she was on a later flight.
Saturday October 27, 2007

Once we got into the room and all found a spot (mine was right beside the picture area and I got to stare at James all that time) Steve announced what was going to happen, first it was pictures, followed by autographs where we would be getting out signed copy of the CD and our special picture of James, and we would then end with the Q&A. Steve also told us that we could take our time and talk to James during the photos. Then the handsome man himself came out and started taking pictures, as it happens I was second it line for the first round of pictures, since they were doing the picture everyone got with the ticket first and then a second round of photos for any one who wanted to get extra’s. During my photos session with James he told me about breaking his finger, (I think I was the first one he told) and how he did it tripping when he was walking into the bathroom. Then he went into a baby voice and said he had a booboo (damn if he haven’t made me so nervous, I would have offered to kiss it better). I don’t think this time James recognized me, because he wasn’t as hugging or personable as before, but oh well maybe it was the hair (since I styled it differently). He was in a great mood, during the entire party and was laughing a lot.
The line for the pictures was however moving at the speed of wood. It just never seemed to go down; I was waiting for it to so that I could line up for my second pictures, but it really did take forever. I believe it was 2:30pm before pictures were done. For my second pictures, I asked for something fun, but I think James was a little burned out with coming up with interesting poses (especially since some people got up to 11 extra shots at one time.) So he didn’t come up with anything really fun, but he did say that next time I should look though magazines and bring him a picture of exactly what I want and he and I can do that. I told that if he meant it, I would. I also got to ask him a question, since everyone always asks me “so what does James think of seeing the some people over and over again at these events”. So I asked him, he said “It’s great, it just like getting together with friends you haven’t seen in a while! And you feel comfortable with.” Oh, what a sweetie!After the photos, we had the autographs. By then Steve had told us that chances were we wouldn’t be having a Q&A, but would let us have more time one on one with James. This was the best autograph session so far, James was sitting a small table in the corner and everyone would go up to him one at a time and sit cross from him while he autographed our item. I have 2 items for him to sign; one was the “Chance” Poster from the Movie that was already signed by Amber Benson. The second was a mini-poster I had made of all the pictures I have taken of James and me put together, I had him personalized that mini-poster. He was writing “To ____, All my love, James Marsters” But on my he wrote “To Magie, My Love, Love James Marsters” And I am choosing to believe that he meant it that way, instead of forgetting the “All”. I also able to give him the silently squished but still good Portuguese custard cupcakes. He had never had one and told him that if he didn’t like them to be honest with, and he said “if they suck I’ll tell you, I promise”. He did eat one right there and after taking a bit, he said “these don’t suck!” followed by lots of Mmmmmm’s and then “these are really good!” I was really happy he liked them! And told him that he if he wanted more, he may have a hard time finding them in LA, but that he could get them at any of the Portuguese bakeries in Vancouver (there is a large Portuguese community there) he asked me how would he know a Portuguese bakery and I gave him a few names of the larger chain ones. I really was happy he liked them, growing up we all loved them, but then again we were used to them!
After the autographs, they had to clear the room for the sound check. Since the place was in a sport bar, many people just hung around the bar, talked, ate and asked the people who worked there when the box office would open up! Since it still wasn’t open yet. But no one seemed to know, they all asked each other, and even asked Steve Himber who had already asked them so he could tell us. Finally some one told us it would open up at 5:00pm, which was about a ½ hour away. So people went out to wait it line, why I am not sure. I really did not want stand around waiting in line, so myself and Emma (whom I met at the party, I swear I met the most interesting people at James Marsters Events) went out to get a cab.Busby’s Mile High Club was located on Wilshire Blvd. Not too far form Los Altos Hotel & Apartments, at 4121 Wilshire Blvd which was used for Hyperion Hotel location in Angel. I have been there on my last time but it had been night time and the pictures I got were not great. We had decided to go and check it out and get some better pictures. While we did get there and back in plenty of time, getting a cab in LA, I found out is not an easy thing, even on a busy street like Wilshire Blvd. We arrive back around 5:30pm and found that the line hadn’t moved. The person haven’t showed up and they didn’t know when they would. The fact that everyone just stood there and waiting even though it had started raining just goes to show you that James fan are both determined and don’t let things like rain get in there way of anything James related. But, the box office finally opened up and we all got our tickets and headed up stairs again. The room was opened up by then, so we got to just lounge around and even get something to eat and drink.
There were 2 opening act, the first was a musician names Kombat, who played…well…hmmm… some kind of techno music I think. I wasn’t to sure and he really wasn’t that good. The second however was Jay Nash and he was actually very good (cute too). Just before James came on, my friends Heather, Ali and Margaret arrived from the Salute to Firefly / Serenity Convention. I was happy they made it time for the concert, since the autographs started late and they still had to come down from Burbank in LA traffic.
First Steve (Himber) came out and introduced James and then it was time for the man himself to rock the house. The concert was GREAT, even though poor James was playing (which songs he could) with a broken finger. The fact that he didn’t cancel the concert and went on with a broken finger just goes to show you he won’t disappoint his fans! He did have his producer come down and play some of the songs on the album without vocals, so that he could sign along to them. He even joked that it was James Karaoke night with us. But he sounded great!!!
The songs he played were:-Not a Millionaire
-Looking at You
-Don't Worry Son
-Birth of the Blues
-White Hot Girls
-London City
-Up on Me
-Like a Waterfall
-Too Fast
-All She Wanted
James did manage to make me blush during the concert (something that I HARDLY EVER DO!) He had joked (at least I think it was a joke) that the song “Too Fast” was about Eliza Dushku. So after the song “Bad” I asked him who that song was about, he looked at me and said “maybe it about you baby!” Gulp! Ok, turning of the red now! Note to self, don’t try that again.
James also told everyone the story of how he broke his finger. He was filming Smallville, and was walking to the bathroom to pee and tripped. As he was falling he saw himself coming towards himself, because he was falling into the mirror, and all he could think about was ‘I’m filming tomorrow’ so to protect his face he put his hands up and hit his finger, breaking it. Oh, poor guy. First he injures his ankle filming Smallville now he broke his finger. That show just isn’t good for him.After the concert, they held the charity auction to benefit both the Elizabeth Glaser Foundation and the Red Cross. Most of the item sold went for just over $1000.00, so they raised over $5000.00 with just a few items. Which was great for everyone!
Once the auction was over, I headed over to my find my friends. We were heading over to The Hotel Café to see Common Rotation (Adam Bucsh’s band) play. But I told my friends that James was doing another Photo session right after the concert and that these pictures would have the “Like a waterfall” graphics on it and that I wanted to get one. They all decided to get one as well. This photo shoot went very fast for everyone. When it was my turn, I wasn’t sure what pose to do, so I was just looking at James, not sure what to do and he kind of pulled me a little closer and said “this is good” as we faced we other, then he looked to the camera and I did the same, at the last moment I lifted my hand to touch his face lightly and the picture was snapped. I am looking forward to see how it turns out. Ali was next to get her picture, followed by Heather then Margaret. But as Ali went up to James for her picture James dropped a kiss on the top of her head, lucky girl!
Once the pictures were done, we took off. I was concerned we would need to call for a cab, but as it happens a cab pulled up with people getting out as we got out of the club and we took that one. Once we got to The Hotel Café and found the entrance (in was down the side ally and around the back). We took the table closest to the stage and tried to order some food, but the kitchen had just closed. It closes at 10:00pm and it was about 10:10pm when we arrived. The girls hadn’t eaten since early in the day and were starving, but despite my pleas on their behalf to re-open the kitchen, they ended up going to a sandwich shop down the street so they wouldn’t pass out. I stayed so I could hold the table and because I wasn’t all the hungry. They weren’t gone very long, though, and still made it back in time to catch most of the opening band ‘The Denim Family Band’.
Then around 11:00pm, Common Rotation came on, they were dressed up for Halloween, all of them were dress in black suites, white shirts and black ties, but they were all different people. Adam was “Mr. Pink”, Eric was a Man in Black, some one else was a Mormon and some was Jewish, I don’t remember who the others were. They were pretty good and had 3 extra guys playing with them. But, to be honest I enjoyed their concert in Toronto in November 2006 better. We did see Amber Benson there after the show, Ali had to point her out to me since I didn’t see/recognize her (she was dress up as well, not sure of what but she was wearing a long white dress). All in all in was a very enjoyable show, the only thing that made it bad was that there was the guy there that was talking back to the band and making a real ass of himself, at one point Adam even through water at him from the stage. I don’t know what it was about that night, first there was a real asshole and his porn star wife, making complete jerks of themselves at James
concert and then this guy who may have been a fan but was ruining it for the rest of us.
After the concert, we headed back to hotel and hit the hey. I was so tired I fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with Margaret (ops).
Sunday October 28, 2007I got to sleep in a little on Sunday, which was good since I really needed it. But we were up dressed and had breakfast by 10:45am, so that I could go register for the convention. Luckily the registration didn’t have a line and was done fast. Even though the women kept asking me for $20.00 for a day pass ticket and I kept trying to tell her I had already paid for the day. But because I didn’t have a ticket (they don’t mail them out to anyone who doesn’t live in the US) she kept wanting to charge me, she finally figured it out though.
First up was pictures with Sean Maher at 11:25am, we met up with Heather and Ali in line and the wait was pretty short. Sean was a sweetie and gave me hug for the photo. Then we headed to take some pictures in front of the Ariel Ambulance that had outside. We waited for the presentations to be over so that we could find our seats (they had the lights off and I didn’t want to be stepping on people looking for my seat). Then Sean Q&A was up, he was great, I had heard he was quite and a little reversed on stage but I found him warm and funny and enjoyed the Q&A with him. Though he was a little stiff and I mean that literally, he had hurt his neck so he wasn’t moving it very well. They even changed it so people were only asking questions form one side of the room instead of both so that he didn’t have to keep turning his head. Poor guy!
After Sean it was Yan Feldman who was up, he was a lot of fun and you could tell he was having a good time. I got to ask him a question when I went up, I congratulated him on his brother’s recent wedding and asked him how it went. He said it was beautiful, it was great and he was the best man. He told a funny story about instead of giving the usual sapping speech he, play a joke on the couple and asked all their former lover to give back the keys and then had all kinds of people hand in keys. It was cute.
After Yan’s Q&A, it was the Photos session with Yan. Originally neither Ali nor I were going to get a picture done with him, but then we decided to get one with both of us. Yan joked with us about getting 2 of us and since the first picture did not turn out and we have to take another, Ali joked about him getting more time with us. Once the photos were done, the line for photos with Summer Glau was next. None of us were sure if we should stand in Summer’s line (since we were one of the firsts) or go and get Yan’s autograph since they were happening at the same time. But someone asked one of the organizers and then said that we could just jump out of line, go and get Yan’s autograph and jump back in the same spot. They even opened the door behind us, so we didn’t have to go around. The autograph with Yan, took 5 minutes if that and we were back in Summer’s line in no time.
Summer’s Photos session went just as fast and smooth, she was sitting in chair for our photos (though she said later she felt too short in it and put it away for the rest of them). When I went up to Summer, the first thing that struck me was how pretty she is in person, the second how slim. It is VERY obvious she was a dancer. Summer asked me my name and shook my hand while telling me it was nice to meet me, and then we took our photo.
Right after Summer’s photo session, lined up for Nathan Fillion photo session. His line (not surprising) was the longest. I was standing not to far from one of the poster vendors, which turned out to be a bad thing because I stepped out of line to have a look and ended up buying a few (I have no will power when it comes to posters, as a matter of fact one day when my house is finally done all its renovation and I finally get to put up all the posters I have bought, I will likely find I have more posters than wall space!).
Nathan’s line moved just as quickly, I have to say that Creation’s runs a very organized event, even though the lines all moved quickly. I never felt rushed at any of the photos session. This was the first time I was meeting Nathan so I was a little nervous. What impressed me most was the fact that Nathan was asking everyone their name, then he would repeat it, shake your hand and then take the photo. I asked Nathan for a hug for the photo (not only does it look better, but I get to hug all the pretty boys!). As the picture was being taken and I had my arms wrapped around him, the thought that went through my head was “gosh he is so much taller than I thought he would be!” since the top of my head only hit his arm pit. I thanked him for the picture and started walking away, as I did so people in the room started laughing, I was confused why and wondered if the picture I took was funny. But when we got out of the room my friends told me that as I walked away, Nathan mimed with his hand shrinking and mouth the words “she’s so little”. He said in a nice way, and was commenting on the fact that I am short and
petite (which is true, I have come to terms with that!). Anyway it was really funny.
Then it was time for Summers Q&A, she was great! Answered a lot of question about The Sarah Connor Chronicles and being on the 4400. As I was standing there waiting to ask her a question a voice came on of the speaker and said that he had a question, we all started clapping and yelling because it was Nathan’s voice. Summer started looking around for him, but Nathan said “don’t try and find me, you won’t”. Then the back stage was lit up and you could see his out line. He was standing behind Summer and used his shadow to pretended like he was grabbing her butt. It was very funny. Then he came out on stage, while asking Summer “Ok, if the show had continued, who would you have seen as love interest?” Since Summer was laughing, he continued with “Since Walsh was married, Simon was your brother and Jayne was well Jayne, whoooo… would that leave.” Summer just laughed, and I don’t think she ever really answered him. Nathan then grabbed a chair (just a regular chair, since Summer was sitting on a director chair which was higher) and pulled it
beside her. And he looked at her and batted his eyes at her. Nathan stayed on stage with Summer for the rest of her Q&A and really livened up the place. I knew he was funny, I just had no idea how quick he was. He had us all laughing our asses off in no time.
When it came time to ask my question of Summer, I was so nervous with Nathan on stage that I had trouble getting it out. I asked about the extra scene in the Serenity Special Edition called “416”. It is a series of counseling sessions with River at the “School” and you see her getting worse. It is a great little extra, also Joss Whedon plays the doctor in it, though you never see his face. I asked her, when it was filmed and what it was like filming it. She told us about it and then Nathan told her, she was very scary in it and that it sacred him. She was like “really?” And he had this serous face and just kept nodding his head and saying “yes”.
When it came time for Nathan’s Q&A, they advised him it was his turn, so Summer just said oh OK and she switch seats with him, so she was sitting in the lower chair, and started looking up at him adoring. Nathan also asked someone to get a bag of stuff he brought with him. When they brought it out to him, it was full of stuff he brought to give out to people. So everyone who asked a question, got a gift. Pictures of him on the set of White Noise 2 or a Halo 3 calendar and such. It was super cool and really nice of him. At one point during Nathan’s Q&A, a guy went up to the mic stand, he was dressed in a long black jacket, a big hat and sunglasses. He started asking a question and everyone started freaking out! Turn out it was Alan Tudyk! Who had been there the day before, but wasn’t suppose to be there today, apparently Nathan had crashed his Q&A and now Alan was returning the favor, much to everyone delight!!! Once Nathan realized it was Alan, both he and Summer greeted him and he joined them on the Stage. He stayed for the rest of the Q&A. It was funny because as Nathan was handing out stuff Alan would say something like “Hey, I wouldn’t mind a Halo 3 calendar” or when Nathan gave out not one but 2 money from the verse (used in Firefly, not even in Serenity). Alan was like “Man, your giving that away, I don’t even have that!” and he was staring hard at the bills like he was going to grab them and not give them back.
At one point during the Q&A Sean came out and join everyone else. You could tell that they were all glad to see each other and that they all generally got along very well. Which is always a nice thing. They finished the Q&A with all 4 of them on stage, but with Nathan being the most vocal. It was one of the best Q&A’s I have ever seen!!! They were all so much fun!!!
After the Q&A, was the autograph session with Nathan, Sean and Summer. The announced that Summer have to leave soon, so they were doing hers first and asked everyone to line up (by row) for her first then move to the other side of the room to line up for Nathan and Sean. As it turns out that wasn’t the best idea, since Summers line was moving really slow, which might have been due to the fact that she was taking her time and looking at everything people asked her to sign and talking away. Not a bad thing, we as fans enjoyed it. But it didn’t help in hurry anything along. Ali and actually went through the Nathan & Sean line first before we went over the Summers. Since, we figures it would be faster.
I got Nathan to autograph both my Serenity poster and my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Poster, He actually personalized the Serenity one, and teased me a little about spelling my name with only one “g”, something about trying to trick people. On the Buffy Vampire Slayer Poster, he wrote “the best Caleb ever” Nathan Fillion on it.
Then we moved to Sean’s table who also personalized my Serenity poster (I swear I am running out of room on it for people to sign). Sean also commented on my name being spelled with only one “g” and had a great grin for me. I swear his smile could light up a city, who needs power when you have Sean’s smile.
Then it was off to Summer’s line, which by then was moving a little faster (I guess some one told her, that if she wanted to get going she had to hurry up) Summer signed right beside her face on the Serenity Poster and also personalized it. Once that was done, the convention for us, had come to an end (so sad)!All in all, it was a very well run, fun and entertaining convention! Everything was well timed, went quickly but wasn’t rushed and we even had time for a quick lunch during it, which isn’t always the case at conventions.
Once the convention was over for us, we headed back to our room, to drop off our stuff. We have decided to try and go out and see some of LA since we were there. We wanted to hit Universal CityWalk in Hollywood. Ali and I had wanted to hit Target as well, though poor Heather was not excited by that. Sorry Heather! Didn’t mean to make you suffer, but I found out that Target sold iPods and that they were cheaper in the US and with the exchange rate being soooooo good for Canadians at the moment I couldn’t pass it up. I ended up save about $80.00 on my brand new iPod, not bad, I say!
We had arranged for the cab that dropped us off at Target to come back and pick us up so he could take us to Universal CityWalk. It however ended up being a trying ride, since Universal was having their Halloween event and everyone and their grandmother was trying to get into the park. We sat and rotted in that cab for quite some time and all the time paying for the privilege! By the time we made it Citywalk the energy I had had was quickly disappearing, it had been a long fun and exciting weekend. I did manage to spend some money, and pick a gift for hubby (I’m such a good wife) and some Graphic novels at “Things from another world” that place is evil and I must learn to stay away from it!!! Or else they will suck up all my money! By the time we sat down to dinner, I was done. Too tired to really enjoy my food or company. I just sat there and zoned out, I hope everyone didn’t take offence. It was just Magie was sooo tired, brain stopped working. After dinner we headed back to the hotel. We all still had to pack up and get ready to check out in only a few hours.
Once we made it back to the room, I called for a wake up call at 3:10am. The guy at the front actual asked if I was sure I wanted to get up that early, I told him that if I had any choice what so ever, I’d wouldn’t. By the time I finished packing and taking a quick bath, poor tired Margaret had passed out with all the lights still on.
Monday October 29, 2007
Waking up at 3:15am, for all of us who had never acclimated to Pacific Time, it was actually 12:15am for us. I still got a couple of hours of sleep, which is better than nothing I guess. We got up, got our stuff and went down stairs and checked out on auto-pilot. We were all able to check in for the flight there at the hotel, via this machine they had in lobby, while we waited for the shuttle to pick us up. The nice thing about going to the airport at 4:00am is that there is no traffic. Once we got to the airport we only had to drop off our luggage and head to security, since we already printed out boarding passes at the hotel when we checked in.
At security once again they pulled me aside, this time to check my carry-on. They thought they saw something liquid in it, but since I didn’t have anything this time that I was worried about (or liquid), I didn’t care. The security guard checked everything over and look at my new iPod (still in it wrapper) as if she might wanted to keep it, but then let me pass.
We passed the time waiting to board the plane, either getting something to eat or in my case trying to stay awake or reminiscing about the weekend. It really was a great weekend! Though we were late in taking off, because they had to remove someone luggage that checked in but didn’t make the plane. I wonder if they were in the restaurant, not realizing what time boarding was?
I slept most of the flight back, so that was a good thing. Somehow both Ali and Heather (who were sitting beside me) stayed awake for the entire flight, not sure if Margaret (who was sitting across the aisle from Heather) got any shut eye.
But when I woke up, Heather and Ali were watching Firefly episodes on Ali’s iPod. I did get to see some of Ocean’s 13, but not the entire movie, so now I have to watch it again to find out what happens, same thing happen when I went to Atlanta I only to see about half of Spiderman 3.
We got to Toronto just after 2:00pm local time, and once again the line for Canadian Customs was nuts. Though Heather did point out Stacy McKenzie from Canada's Next Top Model in the line for Customs, as a matter of fact Heather also noticed Sophie Simmons (Gene Simmons Daughter, from Gene Simmons Family Jewels Show) was the James Marsters concert and then and at the convention the day. I guess she is a fan! Cool, she has good taste.
We did have to wait for our luggage a while and I kept joking that it wasn’t coming because when the removed it from the plane to get the bags off for the person who missed the flight they forgot to put them back on. But they eventually shown up and we were able to get gone!
I made it home around 5:00pm, greeting the fur babies, went across the street to Rick’s work to tell him I was home and then headed to bed, Magie needed a nap!!!
So that was it, in all it glory!!! Was it worth it, YOU BET YOUR FURRY ASS IT WAS!!!!