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April 9 2008 to April 14, 2008.
Ok, I have been told that my past reports were a little too long and filled with a little too much detail. So while brevity is so not a strong point for me. I have tired to cut down all the details, and just get to the meat of it. For anyone who just wants to read about the convention please skip to Friday on the report.
Wednesday April 9, 2008:
Flew out to LAX and arrived in Burbank at the Marriott just after 5:00pm, I had had tickets to The Price in Right, but was unable to make it in time. I also had all kinds of plans of going shopping and doing a whole bunch of things, but then decided that ordering room service and staying in was much more important.
My friend Kelly was scheduled to arrive at the hotel around 1-2 am, but I decided to try and get some sleep instead of waiting up. Turns out that was a good thing, since her flight was majority delayed and she then ended up with a rental car nightmare, that had only arriving at the hotel at 6:00am.
Thursday April 10, 2008:
Then we went to The Ivy for dinner, I had heard it was a really nice place and that lots of celebrities have been seen eating there. We had hoped to see some one, but no luck (well that we saw anyways). But the food was good (a little over priced, but good) and it was a nice place.
We did swing by the rental car place at LAX so that we could get another car, since Kelly wasn’t happy driving the no-so-mini mini van (all that was left) she rented earlier. Once that once taken care of it was back to the hotel.
We were able to register after 10:00pm on Thursday night and we both did, I stayed at the convention to be able to shop for some 8x10 photos that I was going to get signed and poor very tired Kelly went back to the room and finally got some sleep.
Friday April 11, 2008:
As we are going to Tom’s photo session, I spotted off to the side (much to my surprise, since it was not on the website that he would be there) Camden Toy. So after the photo session I went over to him and found that he was signing autographs and taking pictures. I happen to have my Buffy and Angel posters with me since I was going to get Tom to sign them, and I got Camden to sign them as well. But I’m still a little upset, because if I had known I would have brought one of my sideshow gentlemen figure that I wanted him to sign. Camden was very sweet and such a flirt! But I had heard he was, so I wasn’t surprised.
I got Tom to sign both my Buffy and Angel posters and he was very sweet. I did ask him when he would be going to Toronto since “we” would love to see him there. He replied that “we” should set it up and he would go!
Tim’s Q&A was followed by his autograph session, and he was nice and professional.
After we choose to get something to eat (since we were both really hungry) instead of attending the: “Working on Star Trek Panel” with Salome Jens, Suzie Plakson, Max Grodenchik and Vaughn Armstrong. Though I did catch a little of it at one point. As a side note, when Tom Lenk was on stage during his Q&A, he did mention that when he was going to UCLA that the big acting class was run by Salome Jens and that he had a hard time getting in and once he did she told him to leave and come back when he could act. He followed that statement with, HA! Guess I showed her, since I am a working actor in Hollywood now!
Once all the autographs were over (and they took a while) they had the Star Trek Cabart, which had Nichelle Nichols, Tim Russ & The Tim Russ Trio, Suzie Plakson, Max Grodenchik, and Vaughn Armstrong all performing. This was a separate ticket and while it might have interesting, we skipped it and just went to dinner.
Saturday April 12, 2008:
Today was the big day, we were going to see James Marsters. Funny how we were both soooooo excited (even though we both have met him several time before!).
Then it was autographs with James Marsters!(Spike from Buffy & Angel). They were done by ticket number and since we had low number (I think mine was # 5) we were one of the first to get our autographs. I had James sign my retail incentive cover of Angel after the fall #2, which has a really nice picture of Spike with flames behind him. I was also able to get James my gift, which was a copy of both the audio & paper back of the non-fiction book, the History of God. It is all about the forming of the desert religions, and I know he is interested in that. The audio book was so he could listen to it on one of his long drives to see his son. James did say, he had just thrown out his copy of the old testament since it was all about killing and he was much into the love of the new testament.
After Brent’s Q&A, then had a panel with both Kevin Sorbo and Michael Hurst from Hercules, followed by autographs with them. But since neither of us are fans, we skipped it.
After the photo with Grace I headed to the signing room, where there were a few more actors who had been on Star Trek and other things signing there for anyone who wanted to see them. I had Richard Herd who played Dr. Stanley Backer in the episode of Buffy Killed by Death, sign my Buffy poster.
There was some time between the Smallville panel and when the autographs started, so we headed out to a book store which was closed by, (less then 10 minutes drive) called: Dark Delicacies. I had heard Amber Benson would be there signing. We thought we might miss her, but she was still there and since there was no one else in line, we were able to get her books signed. I got both her books: GHOSTS OF ALBION: ACCURSED and GHOSTS OF ALBION: Whitchery. Also her graphic novel: Shadowplay. However silly me forgot to take any pictures, even though I had my camera with me. I did tell Amber, we had hope to go and see Common Rotation (Adam Busch’s Band) playing that night, but that they were on at the same time as James was. I also told her I had seen them the last time I was there for their Halloween show. She told me she and her dad had (she pointed to this older man, sitting in a chair behind her reading a book) been at the show. I told her I had seen her, but that we hadn’t wanted to bother her so we didn’t go over. She said that next we should come over and say hi. I did realize that her dad was the man sitting at the table next to us and had even been the one to pick my jacket up when it fell off the back of my chair, hmmm small world. Anyway Amber was as always super sweet! And I now have her books (Signed! To boot!).
We made it back just before the autographs for all the Smallville people and Grace Park was about to start. I was able to get my Smallville poster signed by, Aaron Ashmore, Laura Vandervoot and Erica Durance. I had it already signed by James Marsters at Dragon*Con the year before.
The autographs went slow, actual very slow and once I had my all the autographs on my Smallville poster I had to get in a new line to get Grace Park to sign my Battlestar Galactica poster. Not only was that taking a while, they kept moving her around and ended up having her in the hallway in the end, actual at one point she got up and was being lead away, she said while she was walking by us (jokily) “Sorry, that’s it, no more autographs.” Turn out she just had to use the bathroom. But I did get my poster signed and as I was leaving I said to Grace “Canadain girls rock!” at which she smiled, gave me 2 strong tumbs ups and said “Yeah!”
We made it back to convention center (which is right next to the hotel) in time to wait to be let in (so much for hurrying like a mad women). But we didn’t have to wait too long. Kelly and I had reversed seats and they were pretty good, second row right in the middle. The concert was fantastic, James played the following songs:
Looking At You
Don't Worry Son
White Hot Girls
Like A Waterfall
ADDED: Fall Of Night
Civilized Man
All She Wanted
Birth Of The Blues
Picture In A Frame (Tom Waits)
Chocolate Jesus (Tom Waits)
Baby Blue (Keb-Mo)
The really funny part was at one point James changed mics so he could sit down. He said that we had never seen him do that before, but that he was having some wrist problems from the filming of Dragonball, nothing a chiropractor couldn’t fix though. Well as he was singing the mic kept slipping down, so while it started pointing up, it ended up pointing down at the end of the song. James fixed it for the next one, but it did it again and this time James was getting frustrated and just kept shaking his head at it since he couldn’t stop signing and playing to fix it. Finally the sound guy came out after the song and James said to him, that he was going to hurt that mic, while he was trying to tighten the bolt to hold it. But the guy, then tightened the bolt right at the mic and James said, “Oh, that bolt!” Unfortunately it didn’t help, and the thing slipped down again, so James got back up again to finish the set. The sound did take the mic away and had it fix, but James said he didn’t want it anymore because he was mad at it. At one point James said he wanted to added a song, and we all clapped and told him to do it. At first he said no because he hadn’t practiced it in 3 weeks, but then decided to go ahead, it was Fall of Night, which he did beautifully! After he sang it, and we all clapped really loud and shouted that it was great he said, “Well now I’m glad I did it!” James ended the set with one of my favorites songs he does, which is Baby Blue, he some trouble with it at the start, saying that now he had forgotten how it went. He just stood there for a while trying to remember it and I was afraid he wouldn’t do it, but he finally said he was just going to sing it and see what happened. It was of course wonderful and I love it when he ends with it!
My only issue with the concert was it was too short; I could have listened to him for another hour and been really happy! Oh well it was still the best!
Sunday April 13, 2008:
We had to get up earlier than we wanted to be at the convention in time for the first Q&A. This day more then all the others was harder to stay indoors it was just so beautiful and warm. Actual it was down right hot! But lets hang out in the sun by the pool hot, not some one get me inside hot. Oh well, no time for hanging out by the pool when there is a convention to attend.
After Thomas Dekker, we headed out to Starbucks for a drink, but were back James Marsters Q&A in penalty of time. Actual by now they were running late.
James was once again great, he came out wearing a red Hawaiian shirt which some one commented on. He did say he got in Hawaii, personally I liked it. I had planned on asking him a question about playing Ted Bundy, but after hearing what another fan (Patti) was going to ask him. I changed it to ask: What makes you laugh? What really tickles you? His reply was basically life. Both Saturday and Sundays Q&A had some really great questions, and James had equally some great replies. One of my favorite questions/commits was about Captain John and how she didn’t like him (this was said by one of the loyal fans that has been to every convention I have been at the very least.) While she did get some boos, James took the commit as a complement because her issue was that she really didn’t trust
After James Q&A, there was the autographs with James Marsters, Roxann Dawnson and Thomas Dekker. I left right away, because I was going to take my photo with Brent Spiner and since James Q&A started late, it went over the photo session time for Brent. As I am running over I see Brent leaving. But I talk to the photographer (Chris who is amazing!!! And who I love!) and he told me to come back later and he would try to get him back fro me.
I then went back and met Kelly in line for James autograph. I got James to sign the letter from P.S. I Love You. It was an actual letter (prop) used in the movie, it was the letter that Gerry (Gerard Butler) writes to his best friend John
It still amazes me that normally I am a confident, intelligent, strong women. That is right up until I get in front of James, then I turn into a drooling idiot who can not put 2 words together. Oh well,
I was then able to get both Roxann Dawnson and Thomas Dekker autographs. Roxann was being very professional and just signing whatever was put in front of her, but not looking up at anyone. She did look up at me when I said thank you and smiled. Thomas on the other hand was being very friendly and as an added bonus had taken off his jacket and shirt and was just in a grey undershirt (Magie liked the eye candy!). I had him sign my Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, and he signed it to me. So that was great.
Then at one point some one asked him about what he thought about Zachary Quinto taking over the role. It really seemed it he was happy about it and really has no hard feelings, that he is glad that the character will continue on. He then turned to the organizers and asked where Zachary was, because wasn’t he suppose to be out there to join him. They replied with they were working on it. He said “working on it? How can you be working on it?” but then Zachary show’s up at the microphone and starts to ask Leonard a question. I could hear what he tried to ask because everyone went nuts. And then Zachary joined Leonard on stage. It was really great to see both together and the resembles between them is VERY clear.
After Kelly had some time and went back to our room to pack her stuff since she was leaving right
The last thing we had was the autograph session with Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy. Leonard line went super fast, he is an old pro at this, and he signs fast and moves on. He wasn’t really looking up at people, but when I said thank
Zachary’s line took a little longer and when I got to him I had him sign my Heroes poster, which already had 2 signatures. Zachary asked who they were and I told him, it was Malcolm McDowell and Erick (I had forgotten his last name and just stood there trying to remember when he supplied “Avari”) and I said yes, that’s it.
Then sadly that was it, the convention was over. Kelly and I were both super sad and neither of us wanted it to end. It was an excellent convention, even though it needed more James!
We went back to the room, got Kelly’s stuff (I got changed into my bathing suit) and I walked her out. After she left, I went for a swim in the hotel pool, then back to the room to order room service and watch some TV. I was just too tired to do anything else, and I had a very early flight the next morning.
I will say that the best thing in the world I have done, is down load a whole bunch of Buffy, Angel and Firefly episodes onto my iPod. It made waiting in airports so much easier. Though people must have wondered what I was laughing at.
All in all that is it. Hope you all liked the report.