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When my good Christine told all of us that she was getting married, I was more then thrilled for her and I was so happy that she had found a great guy, that made her so happy!
My next thought was cool so now we get to party! And there started the idea for her Bachelorette Party. I immediately went to out friend Maggie and asked her if she would be willing to throw it with me. She of agreed right away and the evil, evil plans started to form (insert evil laugh here).
I contacted Paul (Christine’s hubby to be) and told him about the plans we were hatching and he was instantly on broad. He was a real doll, he helped work out a plan to get her in town (they now live in London, Ontario). Since originally we were going to use our monthly Buffy the Vampire Slayer meet up, as a reason we even re-scheduled it (had to anyways because our regular date fell on good Friday) to the first Friday of the month instead of the third. But Paul managed to get the shop where they bought their rings to say they would only be ready on April 4th (the day now chosen for the party).
We managed to get a good list of all of Christine’s friends, her former co-workers and some of her new family. And we set out the invites to all.
Maggie and I had went looking for nice place to hold the party, I had originally wanted to stay downtown close to My Apartment on Peter (the night club) so we could go there after dinner and continue the party. We went walking along King looking for a place and of course picked the windiest and coldest day to do it. We were so happy when people invited us in to the restaurant to talk about what they could offer if for no other reason then to warm up.
Then we came across The Hyatt and thought we would check it out. I have to say they were amazing right from the start. Not only did they show us some private rooms we could at their The Hyatt King Street Social Kitchen & Bar restaurant but also worked with us on a set menu and specialty drinks.
After we had left the Hyatt and knew that was where we would hold the party we walked around the corner to check out the club only to find the reason that I could not get through to them on the phone was that they no longer exist (well that was a bummer!) The new place was now called The Blvd Room, so we figured we would give it a try (even though none of us, had even been in it).
So the plans were set, dinner at The Hyatt King Street Social Kitchen & Bar, then dancing at The Blvd Room after and if anyone still wanted to party we would grab a cab to The FOXXES DEN last.
My next thought was cool so now we get to party! And there started the idea for her Bachelorette Party. I immediately went to out friend Maggie and asked her if she would be willing to throw it with me. She of agreed right away and the evil, evil plans started to form (insert evil laugh here).

We managed to get a good list of all of Christine’s friends, her former co-workers and some of her new family. And we set out the invites to all.
Maggie and I had went looking for nice place to hold the party, I had originally wanted to stay downtown close to My Apartment on Peter (the night club) so we could go there after dinner and continue the party. We went walking along King looking for a place and of course picked the windiest and coldest day to do it. We were so happy when people invited us in to the restaurant to talk about what they could offer if for no other reason then to warm up.
Then we came across The Hyatt and thought we would check it out. I have to say they were amazing right from the start. Not only did they show us some private rooms we could at their The Hyatt King Street Social Kitchen & Bar restaurant but also worked with us on a set menu and specialty drinks.
After we had left the Hyatt and knew that was where we would hold the party we walked around the corner to check out the club only to find the reason that I could not get through to them on the phone was that they no longer exist (well that was a bummer!) The new place was now called The Blvd Room, so we figured we would give it a try (even though none of us, had even been in it).
So the plans were set, dinner at The Hyatt King Street Social Kitchen & Bar, then dancing at The Blvd Room after and if anyone still wanted to party we would grab a cab to The FOXXES DEN last.
Saturday April 4, 2009
Everything was set, now all we had to do was get Christine there without her knowing that anything was up.
So I had invited her and Paul to have dinner with myself and my hubby, I also invited Maggie but she was unable to make it (wink, wink). Chris had thought that they were going to drive back to London on that Saturday night but in the mean time Paul had already booked them in for 2 nights, so after some fine tuning, it was quit funny when Chris herself suggested that they stay an extra night so that they didn’t have to rush back.
Paul had gotten Christine to The Hyatt and she called me to see if I was there yet once they both arrived (since I might have been running late, due to the fact that I was babysitting that afternoon… sure or setting up the room for the party. Hehehehehe) and I met them at the door. At which I thanked Paul so much for bring her, gave him a big hug and said bye. I really should have brought a camera upstairs with me and gotten her expression. She was just like
“Waite, where are you going?”
“What’s going on?”
I just told her to trust me and that I had a surprised for her. She did start to giggle (which was so cute) and then laugh and just kept asking what was going on, as I lead her to the private room. As we got there I think she actually looked a little scared.
So I had invited her and Paul to have dinner with myself and my hubby, I also invited Maggie but she was unable to make it (wink, wink). Chris had thought that they were going to drive back to London on that Saturday night but in the mean time Paul had already booked them in for 2 nights, so after some fine tuning, it was quit funny when Chris herself suggested that they stay an extra night so that they didn’t have to rush back.
Paul had gotten Christine to The Hyatt and she called me to see if I was there yet once they both arrived (since I might have been running late, due to the fact that I was babysitting that afternoon… sure or setting up the room for the party. Hehehehehe) and I met them at the door. At which I thanked Paul so much for bring her, gave him a big hug and said bye. I really should have brought a camera upstairs with me and gotten her expression. She was just like
“Waite, where are you going?”
“What’s going on?”
I just told her to trust me and that I had a surprised for her. She did start to giggle (which was so cute) and then laugh and just kept asking what was going on, as I lead her to the private room. As we got there I think she actually looked a little scared.
But, I just knocked on the big closed double doors to the room (to let everyone know we were there) and them pushed them open. I almost had to pull her inside because she really was stunned by all her friends (from every part of her life) were there to great her. I think we yelled out surprised but I was a little distracted by her expression.
She was greeted by everyone and was almost stammering, because she was over whelmed.
Once we got her settled our first order of business was get her some alcohol! She need a drink fast. Then we were able to some fun stuff, after everyone ordered what they wanted for dinner.
Then it was party game time, since we had to do something while we waited for our food. Each lady was given a loot bag, with a few things inside, including:
-Tiara (which they all wore) for most of the night,
-Party Bead Necklace
-Box of chocolates
-Girlfriend of the Bride Name sticker
-Party Mask
-Dare to Do List
-Candy Necklace
The first game I advised everyone of was the Candy necklace game. Which was called Sweet Success and was played as following:
Each lady will be gives a Candy necklaces, and this is how the game is played.
Only men can bite the candies off. (One candy per man.) First one with either an empty string or the least candies around her neck wins.
I think either people ate themselves or kept them to give to someone later on, but not one of them claimed the prize. Oh well.
The second game was The Dare to Do It Checklist, it has some fun items on it like:
-Dance with a bald guy
-Kiss the first guys who speaks to you
-Serenade Someone
-Blow a kiss to a stranger
-Dance on a table
-Collect 3 men’s phone numbers
-Drink 3 shots in a row
-Wink at a guy and lick your lips
-Remove your bra without leaving the room
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you at a grocery store or at work? – This is I wasn’t the one who got it but I did share one of my most embarrassing things that happened to me at work. I was working in a high end men’s retail store and I was wearing a shirt on this day. Well, after I had gone to the bathroom, came out and walked around the store one of my male colleagues came up to me (luckily he was being discreet) and told me that I had the back of my shirt tucked into my pantyhose.
If you had to choose between being in a choir and being in a play, what would you choose? – I believe Debbie answered this one and she would want to be in a play especially if it was a musical.
Which relationship appeals to you more, a wild passionate one, or a quiet calm one? – Chris Mak, got this one and she said because she was lane she would chose the quite calm one.
Have you ever left a restaurant without paying the tab on purpose? – Dorothy, got this one and said no, but her daughter Donna disagreed with her.
How often do you brush your teeth? – Maggie answered this one and she said 3 times a day.
If you could choose the gender you'd be before birth, what would you be (guy or girl)? – Janice, answered this and said she would choose to be a girl, why downgrade?
What's the stupidest thing you've bought? – Debbie answered this one. She said she bought a pair of pants that did not fit and that she used as motivation to lose weight and that the same pair have been sitting in her closet for 10 years now.
If you could have a one-night-stand with one celeb., who'd you pick? – Colleen, answered this and she replied that if she could get me away him it would be James Marsters.
Do the hokey pokey in the middle of the circle and sing the song that goes with it (1 verse).
Do the Chicken Dance for everyone.
Give us your best snort!
Do a hula dance.
Do your best "Yeeehaaaw!" and pretend like you’re throwing your cowboy hat in the air.
Pretend like you’re in a Toyota commercial. Sing, "I love what you do for me, TOYOTA!" and jump into the air.
Imitate another player and have everyone try to guess who you are.
Sign “For she’s a jolly good Fellow” without moving your lips.
Draw a picture of the person in the group and then have us guess who it is.
Pick someone in the group and wear their shoes until the end of the game.
The game paused for a little while during dinner, which was wonderful and both Maggie and I were very pleased to that everyone told us that they really enjoyed the food!
The menu was:
First Course
Simple Greens (balsamic dressing, tomatoes, Parmesan)
Second Course Choice of
Grilled Organic Chicken Breast with Mushroom Gallete and Baby Vegetables
Red Wine and Goat Cheese Risotto (vegetarian dish).
Third Course
Choice of a Chocolate Caramel Tart
Mixed Berry Streusal Tart
During Dinner both Debbie and Mim (Christine’s soon to be sisters-in-law) gave us a performance of The Doctor Seuss Rules to Join the Siess Family, which they wrote themselves. Which was beyond funny!!!
Choice of a Chocolate Caramel Tart
Mixed Berry Streusal Tart
During Dinner both Debbie and Mim (Christine’s soon to be sisters-in-law) gave us a performance of The Doctor Seuss Rules to Join the Siess Family, which they wrote themselves. Which was beyond funny!!!
Then it was time for the gifts. Christine and Paul had requested no gifts for their wedding, but since they were not throwing the Bachelorette Party, we got to do what we wanted and giving her some fun, funny and embarrassing gifts was on the to do list.
