About Me and This Blog

Hi! My name is Magie and welcome to my blog. Like a lot of people I live a pretty boring day to day life but on occasion I get to have an adventure and when I do I write about it. So here are Magie’s Adventures, I hope you enjoy reading about them. PLEASE NOTE: This Blog and reports are the property of the author and may not be copied or reposted, in full or in part, without the author's prior written permission and No Video or pictures may be re-posted or linked without express written permission of the owner!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What happens in Tobermory, stays in Tobermory!

Magie’s September 6 – 13, 2008 vacation report.

PLEASE NOTE: This report is the property of the author and may not be copied or reposted, in full or in part, without the author's prior written permission and No Video or pictures may be re-posted or linked without express written permission of the owner!

What happens in Tobermory, stays in Tobermory. Or at least that is what the shirt we got my husband Rick says.

This year for vacation we decided to rent a cottage. We choose to do this because we did not want to broad our dog again (it was really hard on him last year) and because my in-laws (the only other people he lets near him) are still in Portugal. So we had to take him with us.

I found this really nice cottage in Tobermory, which is located at the very tip of The Bruce Peninsula in Ontario about 5 hours northwest of Toronto. (See map). So the following is my report of our vacation.

Saturday September 6, 2008

We arrived in Tobermory just after 5:00pm, check in time was 4:30pm, it was a really nice drive up and not difficult at all. Though we did have to stop a few times to let Apache out and give him water. What made the drive even easier was that I had playing “Small Favor” the latest Dresden Files book by Jim Butcher (the audio book) read by James Marsters. I had already read the book, but Rick had not and he kept meaning to (since he is a Dresden Files fan himself). I have to say that I was AMAZED at how why James reads those books, the voices he gives the charters, it was more like listening to an audio play then a listening to a book.

Once we checked out the place we unpacked and set up the kitchen, we were surprised to find they have everything you could need, so we didn’t have to bring as much as we did. They even had dog food for anyone who forgot theirs.

I also found a note telling us, that we can feed the duck (they liked Cheerios and they had a full box for us to use) and the blues jays (they liked peanuts and also had a full bag of them for us). Then we made dinner, since we were both hungry and after taking Apache for a walk around, we hit the hot tub. It was sooooo relaxing to just sit in a hot tub, relax and watch the lake.

Sunday September 7, 2008

We got up late (well I did) and Rick made me breakfast, which I informed him would be his job for the rest of the week. I have to say there is nothing better then a big breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning. After this, I went out to the dock to see if I could feed the ducks. At first they weren’t around but then one of them came swimming along and once the others saw I was feeding him, they all came over to get their share. Though none of them would come too close to the dock to get the Cheerios.

By this time it was afternoon and I had a few things planned for us to do, the first was to check out the locate town, seemed Rick had forgotten a few things when he packed up the food (not waiting for me to help). Also I wanted to check out some of the locate shops. Since we had kept seeing signs for a sweet shop at we drove up to Tobermory. We found that they had a very small town center around the harbour called Little Tub harbour. We found the grocery store, which was very well stocked and had a walk around the harbour. They were a few art shops in the harbour as well, but the prices of the items were way to high for us to get anything, though they were pretty to look at.

Once we were done shopping and having our ice cream at the sweet shop, we drove to The Bruce Peninsula National Park, to see The Grotto. All the guide books said it was a must see, so why not. Rick had kept joking about find Hugh Hefner and playboy bunnies there (since the cave in by the pool in the Playboy mansion is called “The Grotto”).

Once we got there, we found that we had to take a trail and it was quite a hike to it, turns out it was about 3 km each way. It was pretty for the most part but NOT an easy hike since the trail went through woods, up and down hills and so on. Also there were LOTS of signs that said we had to watch for Bears (yeah…). We finally did make it there (with me saying all a long “and who’s bright idea was this” and Rick replying “that would have been you!”) and while it was pretty, not sure it was worth the march through the woods. But oh well.

Once we hiked back, we drove to Big Tub Lighthouse which was just past our cottage so I could take some pictures. Then we headed back to the cottage for dinner and another soak in the hot tub.

Monday September 8, 2008

We got up a little earlier today because we some big plans and after once again informing Rick he was required to make my breakfast we headed out. I had schedule a boat trip for us.

It was aboard the Blue Heron V and it toured 2 shipwrecks and big tub harbour and then took us to Flowerpot Island. The funny this we learned was the 2 wrecks were in the harbour we were staying at, the same ones we could swim to, but it was still really interesting and we did find out the wrecks were of The Sweepstake which sank in 1885 and The City of Grand Rapids which burned and sank in 1907.

Then it was off to Flowerpot Island. It turns out that it was named Flowerpot because of the large rocks which they say looks like flower pots, personally they just like big rocks to me but what do I know. We got off on the island were able to walk around, we had to hike (once again) to be able to see the “flowerpot” rocks up close and while we were there we checked out the cave at flowerpot.

Which was surprise, a big cave. It was pretty I guess and interesting that it was very high up the rock face of the island, but still it was only a cave.

We made it back to the dock with lots of time to share, so we had to wait for the boat to come back and get us. The trip back was a little rough and the waves were pretty high, I choose to stay down below and not get soaked, but others choose differently.

Once we got back to Little Tub harbour, we had lunch. We defiantly knew we had come in the off season since we were the only people in the restaurant, which is always a strange feeling. Then we headed out to see some more lighthouses, I have always been interested in them this way we could see the country side during the drive and I could take pictures once we got there. So I had a few mapped out to see.

We drove to Cabot Head Lighthouse and Museum which was took longer to drive to then it stated, said it would be 46 minutes, when in fact it took almost an hour and half. But it was a pretty cool since we actually got to go inside this one and check out the displays they had, it actually looked and felt more like a house then a lighthouse. I was able to get some good pictures and then we headed back to the cottage (still listening to Small Favor all the way, I swear James Marsters just make a long drive much easier to bear).

Once we arrived and found that our dog had not eaten the furniture (we were concerned that he might if we left him along in the strange house for too long, but he was a good boy) we made dinner and once again hit the hot tub for a soak. Just before dinner I once again went out to feed the ducks, this time they came right away and there were a couple more of them. They were a little less cautions about coming too close, though they did keep some distance, I had Apache with me on the dock so they were not about to swim right up to it, though Apache was not paying any attention to them. But I was really enjoying feeding them.

Tuesday September 9, 2008

Since we plans but nothing that required us to be anywhere at a certain time we got up late and took our time. I once again went out and feed the ducks, this time they started coming out as soon as they saw me and came right up to dock to get their Cheerios.

The day was looking cloudy and looked like it would start raining at any moment so, I wasn’t sure if we would get to everything we had planned or if we would have to skip some things due to the rain. It turned out we only skipped one thing. The first place we head to was Lions Head Lighthouse which was actually in the harbour at Lions Head. When we got there is was raining pretty hard, so taking pictures while holding an umbrella was not easy. Once we were done we drove through the town of Lions Head, cute little town, but not must there. Makes you wonder where people get there stuff if there isn’t even a Wal-Mart (or Zellers or Canadian Tire) around.

I had planned to see Grieg’s Caves which were close to Lions Head, but since we would have to hike for 20 minutes to them in the rain, we chose to skip seeing them. Some how I think I will live…

Then we drove to Cape Croker lighthouse, which was a very long drive mostly on a dirt road, since it is on a very edge of the east side of the Bruce Peninsula. With the rain it wasn’t a very pretty drive but it was still interesting. When we got there, I was disappointed since not only was there a fence that wouldn’t allow anyone near the lighthouse but it was also the most modern (and it looks like it was still being used regularly). After screaming for the third time in frustration Rick came over to help hold my umbrella, because as I was trying to take the pictures, every time I took one I would get rain on the lens and it would ruin the shot. But with his help I was able to get the picture.

Rick then told me to check out the shore and once I did I found that people had made Inuk’s, not just one or two but 20 or 30 all long the shore. They were actually really cool and made the shore look super interesting.

After we drove to Wiarton and had a look around. It is the biggest town in the area and seems to have the most shops, we stopped and checked things out. I did not see any signs for Willie (Wiarton Willie is the groundhog that comes out every February 2nd to look for his shadow and predict if we will get 6 more weeks of winter in Canada) though I was hoping we would come across something so we could stop in, but no such luck. We did do a little shopping, then we headed to Bruce Cave’s, which was close by.

By the time we arrived at Bruce Cave’s it have stopped raining and the sun was out. So we hiked over actual it wasn’t bad at all, only took 10 minutes to get there. Once we did we found… a big cave (I should really learn my lessons on this, but oh well) it was kind of cool I guess and the hike was easy so that was nice. On the drive back from Bruce Cave’s we stopped at a Artist Studio and I was able to buy a couple of pottery pieces, which was nice. The entire area is filled with artists that you can go a look/buy the art. Don’t know what it is about the area that draws them, but there are a lot of them.

Once we were done, it drove back to cottage. We skipped the hot tub that night because the rain had started up again. I know many people like to hot tub in the rain, but it would have made the water colder and we were tired from the very long drives.

Wednesday September 10, 2008

Originally I had planned to go to Sauble Beach on Wednesday but I had checked the weather report and found that Thursday was going to be both warmer and sunnier, so I decided to switch Thursdays plans to Wednesday. Which was going to be a very lazy day of just hanging around the cottage and doing nothing.

It turned into a beautiful day, bright and very sunny (but not THAT warm). After advising Rick that he was once again required to make a large breakfast and eat said breakfast. I went out to the dock to feed the ducks. There were already a couple on the dock and as soon as I got there the rest showed up. This time they were NOT shy, instead they were demanding and some got right on the dock and stood beside me (about a foot away) demanding food. It was a little unnerving.

After that we decided to let Apache swim in the lake. We wanted to wash him anyways, so it was big deal if he got went. When he was younger Rick had taken him down to lake Ontario but he did NOT what to get in the water, so we figured he just didn’t like water that much. But ever since we got there he seemed interested in going in, so we figured we would see what happened. He LOVED SWIMMING! Most of the lake near the cottage wasn’t very deep, so he could just walk around, but he did swim out further. It was when he was further out that a duck swam by him (well about 5 feet away) and he then got very interested in following the ducks. He wasn’t able to keep up to them or even get close, but he enjoyed trying.

Once we saw he was getting really tired, we bought he back to the cottage and gave him a bath. He even seemed to enjoy sitting in the sun to dry off. It was nice to see him having fun like that.

I also put out the Blue Jay food (peanuts) for them, but even though it all disappeared I didn’t see any of them come and take it.

The day ended with dinner and a soak in the Hot Tub, all in all it was a really great day and one of the most relaxing I have had in years!

Thursday September 11, 2008

I didn’t want to get to Sauble beach too late, so we had to get up earlier today, but still not that early. We arrived just after 12:00pm (it was about an 1 hour and 15 minutes from Tobermory) I was hoping it would be the hottest part of the day. It was a beautiful day, just not hot enough to brave the cold water. And the beach was empty, expect of course for two crazy people in their bathing suits. We did do some shopping at the local stores, got ice cream and walked in the water up to our hips, but that was as far as I was willing to go. Then we sat around on this deserted beach trying to get dry/warm. We finally had enough and left about 2 hours after we got there. I still think that this place would be really great in the height of summer and I bet the water would be great then. We may have to go back next year and try it. Maybe drag a few friends a long as well.

We then drove down to Southampton which was only about 20 minutes south of Sauble Beach. I had hoped to have lunch at Grosvenor's Restaurant there, which was a 4/5 star restaurant and turned out to be in a beautiful old converted Victorian house. But when we got there we found that they only opened for dinner at 5:00pm. It was really too bad because the food already smelled wonderful. Oh well, next time we are in the area.

We drove over to see the Lighthouses in Range Lights at Southampton, there are 3 lighthouse in the area (one of which is on a nearby island) so I was able to get some pictures of all of them. Though one of them was further back and not on the water, which had me wondering what the heck they used it for, but it was still pretty. Once I took the pictures, I was able to sit near the shore and eat my sandwich and just enjoy the view. Southampton is the oldest port in the area (as per the city signs) so it has the nicest old house I have seen in a long time. If anyone enjoys looking at Victorian or Edwardian homes I would recommend a trip to Southampton.

Then it was time to head back, this was the furthest south we had been so it would take the longest to drive back. Once we did get back, it was still day, so we took Apache for another swim which he once again really enjoyed and I was able to feed to duck again.

This time these ducks were right there and actually stepping on my feet to get me to feed them. I had to shoo them off the dock a bunch of time, because they are freaking me out being so close and I was afraid I would step on one by mistake. But as soon I turned around some of them were back on the dock standing right beside me demanding their share of the food.

We capped of the night with dinner and a soak in the hot tub, which as always was very nice.

Friday September 12, 2008

Originally I only 2 things planned for the Friday, first to clean the cottage (since it was part of our rental agreement to leave it clean) and second to go on a sunset dinner cruise on the MS Chi-Cheemaun, which sails from Tobermory to Manitoulin Island and back (but only on Friday nights during the Fall Schedule). However when I called on Wednesday to book I was informed that the dinner cruise was all booked up AND they already had a waiting list. So that crossed that of the list, which was a pity, since it would have been really nice to do.

We ended up having another VERY lazy day. Rick spent the entire day with his nose in a book; he was reading the series I gave him for our anniversary and he wouldn’t put it down. It was like pulling teeth to get him to do anything. We did finally clean up and I was able to go out and once again feed the overzealous ducks who were once again jumping up on the dock and stepping all over my feet to get some food. Now I know they were all well feed because by Friday I had gone through a large box of Cheerios. But that did not stop them from demanding more.

Once I was done feeding them, I decided to try and feed the Blue Jays and this time see if I could see any actually fly down and grab a peanut. So I laid them all out on the railing of the back deck (that were the instructions said they liked to get them) and I sat and waited for a while. Sure enough it could a bit but a Blue Jay flew down grabbed a peanut and flew off to break it open and eat it in the trees. This happened a few times and then they must have realized I wasn’t going to do any thing to them and they relaxed. They would fly down take their time, choose a peanut, sometimes choose one drop it and pick up another, sometimes try and take more then one and squawk when they could not pick up both. It was really interesting to see them and they are very pretty birds up close.

After a while a chipmunk came up on the deck, I can only assume to try to get some peanuts as well. So I took some and tossed them to him, he broke them open and stuffed them in his cheeks, then ran off. He did come back and I toss him a few more and while he was breaking the shells open I went back to watching the blue jays, well a few minutes more and I felt something on my leg. Sure enough the chipmunk had crawled up my leg looking for more peanuts, this startled me and I let out a yelp. Rick came out a couple of minutes later to find out what was going on and then proceeded to tease me about the big mean chipmunk attacking me. He joined me on deck to watch the blue jays for a bit.

While we were sitting there, the ducks (seeing that I was feeding the others) actually walked all the way up the path to the base of the deck looking for food, I couldn’t believe they would do that. This of course started Rick on, “you know they will now follow you back to Toronto, looking for you to give them more Cheerios”. Actually I still half expect to go outside and find one quaking away and demanding dinner from me. Note to everyone, DON’T OVER FEED THE DUCKS! They will never leave you alone if you do.

We ended the evening the same way as all the other nights, dinner and a hot tub soak, though it was a little bitter sweet knowing it would be the last night we could so that.

Saturday September 13, 2008

We had to be up early because check out time was 10:30am. We got everything cleaned up, packed and were on the road by 10:15am. And while I did go out and try to feed the ducks one last time, the little buggers were no where to be found, hmmmm maybe they were already heading to Toronto and would met me there.

Apache I can say was NOT happy about leaving, he defiantly wanted to stay. Can’t say I blame him. The drive back down was made a little easier by James Marsters reading Small Favor, we were on the last few CD’s but we still did not finish them all by the time we arrived. It took us a little longer to get back then to drive there (or at least it seemed to). But once we got home we dropped off the stuff and went over to my mom’s place to pick up the cats (whom had spent the weekend at Grandma’s). And while I was happy to have the entire family together again, I had already started to miss the cottage. It was a wonderful vacation!!!