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Living in Toronto we are lucky to have 2 great annual convention that I look forward to each year and while I had a really great time during Polaris and I was looking forward to Fan Expo even more. Why you may ask, because at this convention I had NOTHING to do other then be a fangirl, no responsibilities to worry about. Just go and enjoy! So that’s what I did.

This years guest were:
SFX Guest:
Festival of Fear Guests:
Also there were many Comic Book, Anime and Gaming Guests, (Too many to list.)

Friday August 22, 2008
Since I work very close to the convention center, I was able to drop by during my lunch to pick up my badge for the weekend. I then headed out of the office at 4:00pm. When I arrived, there was no line to get into the dealer room, so that was my first stop. I stop my Pixel Barrel first, to both say Hi to Chris and to check out what they had for sale. I think this was the first time in a long, long time I didn’t buy anything. But that will change once the Torchwood figures are out!
The first thing I did was held over to buy a Photo Op for Buzz Aldrin (which were limited). I also saw that they were selling his autographs (he has originally been a special ticket and only people who got that were able to get photos and autographs, but I guess they did not sell enough because they made them available to everyone) but autograph cost $200.00 each, so I skipped that one.

I ran in Colleen and we both headed over to Artist Alley (where the comic book artists were). But before we did Colleen took me to the WB both wear you could take a picture in front of a green screen and they would put into a movie or TV show, I choose Supernatural, so I now have a picture with Sam and Dean, the best part was that it was for free! Then at the Artist Alley I was able to get my Buffy Season 8 # 1 (first print) signed by Georges Jeanty, who was just a sweet as when I met him last year! Then I got my Spike Asylum # 5, signed by Richard Pace (who did the cover). Lastly I got my Serenity: Those Left Behind signed by Adam Huges (who did the cover).

By this time Ali had found me (thank goodness that cell phones work in convention centers!) and we headed over to the autograph area. Unfortunately a lot of guests were not there, so my plan to get most of the autographs done on the Friday night was shot to hell. I did manage to get Kristy Swanson to sign my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD. Then we all got some food (the food court was serving Crepes!). Angela was able to find me in the food court and give me the specially made Jayne Hat (from Firefly) that I ordered to be able to give to James Marsters as a gift.
After that we wondered though the dealers to see what was for sale, but nothing really caught my eye, that’s the trouble when you have everything! After Ali and I went up to the photo room and waited for the photo ops with Kristy Swanson, followed by the photos with Buzz Aldrin. We met up with Sue and Elizabeth in line. They handed out numbers for the photos, I ended up with “10” and this started the running joke of Magie is a “10” that lasted the entire weekend. Though being called a “10” is NOT a bad thing.

I had my picture taken with Kristy Swanson, she was OK. Seems sweet if not the brightest and then went back outside and right back in line for Buzz. By this time, I found out that Edward James Olmos had arrived and was signing at the autograph, so once my photo with Buzz was over that’s where I headed. I would like to say something about Buzz, but I didn’t really talk to him, other to say Hello and thank you. But he seemed nice. I would have LOVED to ask him about the new movie Moonshot, but I didn’t get a chance. Oh well.
I was able to get Edward James Olmos autograph and I had to say I found him to be a really sweet man! And even Erin Grey (his manager was being really sweet, sometimes she not). But they were VERY aggressive about people NOT take his photo during the autographs and one of the volunteers turned into the no photo Nazi! He was yelling at everyone who even came close, even if they didn’t have a camera or weren’t even aware that Edward James Olmos was there.
Once I got that, my day was over and Ali and I went home.

Saturday August 23, 2008
I had been super tired the night before, so I slept in later then I had wanted, but that’s not new. I arrived just before 11:00am and once again hit the dealer room to see if I could get any autographs, but the lines were just too long, and I would miss my photo sessions. So after I had a look around, I went up to wait in line for Edward James Olmos Photo Ops. I was able to find Margaret in line so, I had company waiting in line. This photo session conflicted with Kristy Swanson Q&A, so I had to miss it. Edward James Olmos was once again very sweet and gave me a hug for my photo.

Right after I got back in line for Kate Mulgrew photo ops. Which turned out to be really funny. Once it got to me turn, I said “Hi” to Kate and started posed for the picture, but the photographer then asked if I had a jacket or something I could put on. I said no and was confused, wondering what was wrong, the photographer then said that because my t-shirt was green and we were standing in front of a green screen, it would fade into whatever background they were going to put in. My first thought was, hey I just took a picture with Edward James Olmos and no one said anything about, am I going to be just a floating head in it? But before I could say anything Kate Mulgrew,

said “She can wear my shawl!” and went and grabbed her black shawl and wrapped it around me, we both started laughing and the photographer had to take a second picture. Which is when Kate, said I needed to make sure I was covered up and held the shawl tight around my neck. Which just made me laugh again. When the photo was over she grabbed it off me and said “now give it back!” and took it off me. All in all it was really funny and she was sooooooooooooooo sweet to even offer it to me. I can’t even tell you just how classy she is!
After Kate, it was Michael Rosenbaun Photo Ops. So I once again got back in line, but this time I got

to hang out with Dru who I haven’t seen in over 2 years! She’s a major Michael Rosenbaun fan and I am surprised, she was as calm as she was. Michael was very sweet and fun, though he didn’t smile in my photo, hmmmmm maybe he wished I was still Dru (she took her photo before me).The Photo session started late and by the time it finished Kate Mulgrew Q&A had already begun and was going strong. I knew Ali was saving me a seat, but I considered skipping it, but THANK GOD I didn’t!!!! Kate was amazing!!!!! I soooooo just wanted to take her home after. She was funny, witty, engaging, she took her time with each questions, she was honest and didn’t pull any punches, was still kind. At one point, a

women went up and thanked her for inspiring her to raise her son as a young single mother. Kate after having asked her some question, had us all give her a standing ovation! I swear she was one the classicist women I have ever met!!!
After Kate’s Q&A Dru was nice enough to hold a spot in line for the Michael Rosenbaun and Laura Vandervoot Q&A, which was in an hour so that we could get some food. We ran into Christine and Paul at the food court and they even save us a seat at their table, then after we went to the Q&A. Both Michael Rosenbaun and Laura Vandervoot were great. Laura seemed so much more relaxed and at home, then when I seen her in LA at Grand Slam, but that could have been because Michael was so lively and joking the entire time. I had heard he was very animated and he did not disappoint. But he funny and sweet as well. They both played off of each other and were a lot of fun to watch. After the Q&A, they held an auction for North York Hospital in Toronto. We were told that Laura was born there and about 3 weeks after she was born she contracted Meningitis and sent a month in the

N.I.C.U. so she wanted to give back and was donating her entire appearance fee from the convention as well having the auction with some great things from Smallville. One of the best items was the red jacket worn by Tom Welling as Clark Kent and signed by him. It went for $2000.00 and after it was sold, Michael Rosenbaun donated another $2000.00 of his own money to the hospital! Wasn’t wonderful of him!
After that it was autograph getting time, so I hit the dealer room again. The first one I went to was Kate Mulgrew, since she was only there for that

day. As it turns out, she had only a couple of people in line before me and the wait was only a couple of minutes. Must have been fate since her line was on of the longest all day. She was wonderful and even personalized it (even though it said she wouldn’t) and I didn’t ask her at all! But I wasn’t going to complain! I got a chance to tell her how much I admired her.
Then I moved to Michael Rosenbaun line where I ran into Claudia (from JMConAps). This was the 2nd time I ran into her at a non James Marsters event, since she was at Polaris the month before. But this time we actual got a chance to talk and catch up, while we waited in line. Turns out she is getting married next month! So congrats to Claudia! Michael was very sweet, though he seemed tired by then (who could blame him!) but he signed my Smallville poster and thanked me for coming out.

After, I tired to get Renee O’Connor (from Xena) autograph, but her line was now cut off since she was finishing up. So I had to wait until the next day. Claudia and I went and got Jeremy Bolloch (from Star Wars and Doctor Who) autograph, both him and his wife (who was acting as his manager were so sweet. He is the first one I have
gotten to sign my Star Wars poster and commented on the fact the it was a really nice poster and it was a shame to even sign it. But I assured him it was OK.

After that I said good bye to Claudia and went to the line that was already started for the Masquerade. Though I have been going to SFX / Fan Expo now for the last few years, I had never seen the Masquerade. So I decided I would see it this year, which meant I had to miss the Browncoat Shindig that was at the same time. My friend Maggie and her nephew joined me in line, it was his time at a convention, so seeing the Masquerade was really cool for him. However the wait to get in was long, and the Masquerade it self was also SUPER long, it started just after 8:00pm and didn’t end until 11:00pm. By then I was so tired and past hungry, so we all just went home. Though I did enjoy a lot of the customs.

Sunday August 24, 2008
I arrived get after 11:00am once again, thanks to hubby driving me in. And went straight to the dealer room to get my last remaining autograph from Renee O’Connor. Her line wasn’t too long about 45 minutes to an hour and I spent almost the entire time testing my friends to find out where they were or would be. Renee was also great and very sweet. I had only wish her flight wasn’t late getting into Toronto on Friday, because her Q&A had to be cancelled and I would have enjoyed hearing her talk.

Once I had that, I headed over to the Q&A lines, there was going to be 3 Q&A in a row all in the same room. I found Margaret and Ali in line and we waiting for the first Q&A to start. The first Q&A was Brent Spiner, who was of course very funny, he arrived early but the room was still full so he had to wait and started talking to fans. Once we got into the room (front row) Brent just started talking as people were coming in, he even went up to the people coming in a started ushering them in, telling them to hurry up we only had 45 minutes left. He also played 6 degrees of separation with him and any star.

He asked us to yell out any name of a celebrating and he could connect himself to them within 6 people. I yelled out James Marsters and after he was told who he was (knew the character but the name) he was able to connect himself. At the end of the Q&A he brought his CD, which is as he calls it an audio play called Dreamland, he talked about it and then asked who wanted a free copy. I of course raised my hand and he threw it the area I was in and I caught it. So Magie got a free CD.

After that was Edward James Olmos Q&A. He told us this was his first ever convention in North America and that he was having a great time. Aaron Douglas also came in and joined him shortly after he started. I got to ask the first question. I asked him about his directing and he gave a really great and long answer. It was a great Q&A and we were able to find out some things that we didn’t know. Neither of them could gives us any info on what happens during season 4 of Battlestar Galactica but Edward did say it wasn’t a happy ending and that not many of them made it. Also they did talk about the new Battlestar Galactica movie, it seems that Edward James Olmos is directing it, it will not be a continuation of the series but instead will be set during season 1, 2 and 3. Like Razor was, it will however go into details of people who you didn’t see too much of.

After that, it was time for Sean Astin Q&A. While he was good, he wasn’t as lively as the others. Though he was still great to see! Though he talked more about working on The Goonies, then Lord of the Rings. He did talk about what it was like to direct the Angel episode “Soulless” and how it was working with David Boreanaz, he had nothing but good things to say.

Once that was done so were we. I hit the photo room to pick up our photos, then went and got some food. But that was it, all in all it was once again a great weekend. I saw some old friends I haven’t seen in a while, got to hang with my girls! And had a great time! A special thank you to all that let me into line with them or held a place for me!!! I never would have never been able to get to everything without everyone’s help!!!