PLEASE NOTE: This report is the property of the author and may not be copied or reposted, in full or in part, without the author's prior written permission and No Video or pictures may be re-posted or linked without express written permission of the owner!
Friday June 5, 2009
I arrived late in New York City (about an hour and a half) because the weather was bad in NYC and they were not allowing planes to land. So we took off late. The flight was fine, expect for the guy sitting next to me who took my window seat (until I told him to move) and then decided to hog most of the room. Thanks goodness for short flights.I flew into LaGuardia this time because it was a little closer to our hotel then Newark and because I had never flown into that airport before. Well… won’t be doing that again (if I can help it)! It’s not a nice airport, its ugly, gross, begging for a renovation and super crowded.
I got to our hotel the Best Western Convention Center around 1:30pm and check in only to find that “Hotels for Everyone” website had booked me 2 rooms (which they had already charged me for!) WHAT!!! And I couldn’t cancel the second one (and get my money back) because it was past the 48 hour point.

Then I called the girls (Iesha, Jillian and Mariah) to tell them what was going on, if in fact they wanted to still try and fit into the tiny room or take both rooms and be able to spread out. They decided to check out the room once they got there and then decide. In the mean time I walked over to the Mint Salon (about 3 blocks away from the hotel) to get my hair done for the cocktail party that night. Why I haven’t learned not to do that, I don’t know since I’m never happy with it. This time was the same thing, don’t only did I get soaked walking over (it was still raining pretty hard) even though I had an umbrella. I ended up with a pony tail and not an updo, that I could have done myself and saved the $100.00 it cost. Though I swear my hair did not move all night and when Mariah helped me pull all the pins that night we joked they had used shellac on it.
Once I was back, the girls arrived and checked out the room. All agreed it was small. Mariah started arranging the furniture so that we would have more floor space and be able to move around, she came up with some really good idea, that is fact helped a lot. Iesha however decided to take the other room for herself, but she ended up on the same floor as us so it all worked out, she was even nice enough to let us use her bathroom if we needed to, because 3 women all getting really at the same time and sharing one bathroom was NOT easy and I really don’t know how we would have done it with 4.

I guess the security guard must have believed me because he didn’t make my erase it or take away my camera, so that was good. In fact later he came up to me and said he hoped he wasn’t too harsh and we had a good chat. Actually David (the security guard who was with James all weekend) even became our friend and was so sweet to us, of course we have Iesha and her charm to thank for that.
Back to James. He walked in with his usual crew (Steve, Peg, Helen and Marlene) and stopped about 3 feet in from the door, to talk to the first group of people. I was on the fringe of the group but kind of put myself in. I had a little table in-between me and everyone so I was stuck there. Though at one point James was complimenting Kelly (I think it was her, it’s hard to pay attention to anyone else with James around) and I told James that if he was giving out compliments, he had to give them to everyone. To which he replied “And you look beautiful” while gesturing to me and then “Your face reminds me of a Rembrandt painting” and I replied with “thank you!” with a big (silly) grin on my face. (Note to self, study up on more of Rembrandt paintings).
At this point Jillian had come back into the room and was trying to get pass the group but was stuck and couldn’t move (have I mentioned it was a small, small room). James turned to her and also said she looked fabulous and then waved his hand up and down gesturing to her and said Wow. So it was compliments all around.

James made his second trip back over to us (at which point Iesha spoke to David and made sure that both Mariah and Karen got to sit next to him, since they haven’t even spoken to him at all). We all sat at a table and had a very lively discussion about women’s rights and what has been done with them took place and how there are differences between men and women and how that’s a good thing. Most of us (including myself) just listened and let the others who didn’t get as much face time with him engage in the conversation. But at one point James said, “well you can call me an asshole but…” to which Iesha gladly complied with “ASSHOLE!”. Which made James smile and made Mariah embarrassed because she was afraid James might have thought it was her who said it. James also did say during this conversation, that it made him mad that people didn’t think men could be as good parents as women and he personally was a better parents then lots of people he knew. That he was a better cook and more nurturing and that he had taken in his niece when she was becoming self destructive and retreating into herself and that now she was well adjusted and happy.
Then at the end of our time David came over and tapped James on the shoulder, when he was getting up I did add my two cents to the discussion, that maybe we as a people are finally getting to point that we could both understand that it was about equal rights and also understand that we have roles as part of the anthropology of people, since that also plays a role in life. James seemed to agree with me and wanted to say more, but had to go and speak to David. I believe at this time David told him he had free time and could spend it as he wanted. So James came back to our table sat back down and said “Ok, great I have more time!” and then went back into the discussion we are all having.

The one thing that was different at this party was that James spent a lot of face to face time with people. He talked to people one on one, which was great! How many of us have actually gotten to have a conversation with James without other people right there, listen in. But if James was talking to someone the rest would leave them to their conversation.
After James was finished talking to the first group I stopped him as he was going to the next, because I wanted to tell him something (I figured I would only be a couple of minutes, and then he could move on). I told him, that I had meet 8 time before and all that time I had never really introduced myself and that I was determined to get him to remember my name this weekend. That I had even made a name tag, it said ‘Hi James, my name is Magie’ and I was wearing it. He laughed when he read it. Then I stuck out my hand and said it nice to formally meet you, he shook it and smiled. He said, he would try to remember it but that it was better if I wore the name tag.
Then he started talking about how great it was that we could meet over and over and how great his fans were and that he was so happy that we were all so cool and that we got along and became friends with each other and that he felt like he had something to do with all of that, that he brought great people together.
During this conversation, Kelly came over to tell us that they were moving us to the next room. She was so cute about it, she was so apologetic for interrupting us. Then added that she meant we should go into the room together not just James. I just smiled at her, because I knew what she meant and I wasn’t upset at all. So James put his arm around my wait and walked me into the next room (WOW…). We picked up our conversation in the bigger nicer room and James once again talked about how great his fans were. I agreed and told him how I had met some many wonderful friends and people I would be friends with forever. James also talked about how he trusted his fans tastes and when they give him books, even if he wasn’t sure he would like them he read them and always ended up likely them. I am sure we talked about a few other things, but I can’t remember all of them, might have something to do with the fact that all I was thinking during it was ‘Oh my god I’m talking to James Marsters!’.
At one point Iesha join our conversation and she mentioned that she was only on her second mojito. James said that she should have one for him, since he was only drinking ice water (which I already knew because he splashed some on me while he was gesturing, he talks with his hands a lot). When I heard this, I offered to buy he a drink, he asked “really?” and I said sure, I would love to. So he said, “I’ll have a gin and tonic, baby”.
By now I was getting concerned he was spending too much time with me (never thought I would think THAT) so I walked him over to my friends and he started talking to them. And I went to order our drinks, a gin and tonic for James and a second white wine for me.
By the time our drinks came (it took a long time) James had moved on to another group. I hated having to interrupt, but I made it as quick as I could. I just went up to James, tapped him lightly on the back and when he turned around I handed him the drink. He smiled up at me and had an almost (she actually got me a drink look) and said “Thanks Baby”. I smiled back and said “you’re very welcome” and walked away, letting him get back to discussion.
By the time our drinks came (it took a long time) James had moved on to another group. I hated having to interrupt, but I made it as quick as I could. I just went up to James, tapped him lightly on the back and when he turned around I handed him the drink. He smiled up at me and had an almost (she actually got me a drink look) and said “Thanks Baby”. I smiled back and said “you’re very welcome” and walked away, letting him get back to discussion.
I did keep an eye on this drink, just in case he needed another one, I would have gotten it for him. But he just sipped it (it’s hard to drink and talk at the same time) and when the ice started melting he left it behind and didn’t get another one. But still it was cool I could get him one.
We (my friends and I) had some fun while we were Jamesless we danced and we laughed. Mariah seemed to get drunk, which was very interesting since she was drinking plain orange juice all night (and I check it) I said that it must have fermented in her system and that’s was made her so happy, that or James closeness might have done it.
We (my friends and I) had some fun while we were Jamesless we danced and we laughed. Mariah seemed to get drunk, which was very interesting since she was drinking plain orange juice all night (and I check it) I said that it must have fermented in her system and that’s was made her so happy, that or James closeness might have done it.

By this time it was about 10:40pm so he didn’t have too much time but I believe he did make another quick round the room to say good night to people. At 11:00pm James and crew left and as he was leaving, he walked by me and said “great seeing you again” and I said "you too" and asked if I could kiss him goodbye. I blame my boldness on the wine! He laughed and said "go for it!". So I planted a kiss on his check and said good night!
The party broke up very quickly after that, with most people leaving right after. We stayed a little longer and were talking to David when they were taking down the Creation sign that said James Marsters Cocktail party on it. I one of my friends asked if we could have it and both David and the girl from creation agreed. Some how I was the one who ended up with it. Not sure how that happened, but I’m not complaining.
Saturday June 6, 2009
Mariah and I made it to the convention center first (leaving Jillian and Iesha to finish getting ready and meet us there). Mariah still had to get in line and get tickets and stuff, so I told her I would go get in line and hold a place for all of us. I was shocked to find that no one else was in line yet and it was already 9:45am, I guess I am still use to other conventions where you have to line up 2 hours before hand. But this was going to be a much more relaxed convention I would soon find out. As I was waiting Amy Sue showed up with Mom (her Mom that is) who I was really looking forward to meeting. And I have to say Mom was a hoot! She was so much fun and funny as all heck! It was so great talking to her and getting her take on James and well as seeing James interact with her (he was so sweet).
While we were waiting Jillian and Iesha joined us in line, though only Iesha was getting a photo done today, but we all had planed on doing a group photo and we needed to talk to Chris about it. It was a little saucy and we first wanted to find out if Chris could do it and would he be willing to. Jillian talked to him and he looked at the photo we had and wanted to copy (it was a promo shot from the show One Tree Hill) and said that yes, could do it and it was fine by him as long as James agreed. He asked us to do the group photo last (which is normal to do any group photo at the end). So we would have our personal shots done first and then wait to do the group shot.
James arrived late it was closer to 11:00am, he was wearing a navy polo shirt and grey pants and as he was passing me he stopped and said that he had a really great time at the party and he really enjoyed the conversation we were having (he meant the group one) and I told him me too! It was a lot of fun. Then they got the photos under way. He was in a good mood all happy and bouncing and putting a good face, I knew he was having some personal problem with his girlfriend, since he had told a few people at the party the night before but he pushed it all aside so he could make it a good experience for the fans.
I was second it to get my photos done and as I walked up to James he smiled at me and then gave me a big hug while saying “Hi darling” I said hi back and then I reminded him my name was Magie. He looked at me kind of funny and said “I know” which surprised the heck out of me. I not sure what I said after that, but I did ask how he was doing this morning and he said he was in a good mood because no one had grabbed his butt yet, this took me a little off guard and I told him and he didn’t need to worry about me because I would only do that if he asked me to. He laughed at that and we then went into what pictures I wanted. I had posses printed out on a sheet and James asked me which one I wanted to do first, I said the hug one first but that I wanted him to hug me like he meant it. At this point James got a very serous look on his face, looked me straight in the eyes and said “I always mean it, baby!”. (Insert Magie melting here! Awwwwwwwwwwww… how sweet was that! I am not sure what I said or what kind of look I had on my face but we stepped into the hug posse and it is now my favourite hug picture!

That was it and I had to give James up so he could go to the next fan (awwww but I don’t want to!) so I gave him another hug and as I walked away I said “Love Ya!” Which I say a lot (to people in my life), so it goes to show how comfortable I am with him and he replied with “I love you too!”. Man I wish I could keep him!!!
We got back in line to wait to for the end and to catch up with everyone. At one point after Rosie had her photo shoot she came out and started writing what had happened while it was still fresh in her head (good idea, must reminder to do the same) and I went up to her and told her to add that Magie came up and started asking what I was doing but I told her to bugger off. But I don’t think that ended up in her notes.
After everyone had had their photos done, we were up. I was a little surprised that we were the only group having one done. Chris told James we wanted to ask him about a group shot and Jillian went up to James to ask him if he would be willing to do it, the rest of us stayed back as to not crowd him or feel like we were pressuring him, because if he said no we really would have been OK with it and just gotten something else done. Not that we had much of a back up plan. But James was cool about it and said sure. So Chris had the doors close so it would only be us in the room and then went about setting up, since he had to stand on a chair.
We all got up, Jillian asked if we could see it but Chris said no with a smile. We all thanked James for doing it, pack up the sheet and gave him a hug on the way out. When we finally saw the picture, none really liked it, while James looks good, none of the rest of us were happy with it. So after we saw it we decided to have it re-done. It was however good practice for number 2.
Then it’s my turn with James. We talked about the Piccolo figure I was having signed, he says that he has the same figure but that he glued his arms down. I told him I liked the fact that it did the punching motion and he told me he has it at home but that Spike is set up to kill him. Then I had the gift the Amy Sue gave me signed and I got to tell him about her giving it to me and that it proves his fans are the best. He agreed and went into some of the conversation we had the night before. Then I gave him a gift, a couple of red felt hats, shaped like maple leafs that said Canada on them. They were for the kids and I told them they were just for fun. He said that they loved getting gifts and he thanked me for them. Then he shook my hand and said thanks again.
The girls and I all took off our shoes (since we were suppose to be lying in bed and pulled out a sheet (Iesha had brought one from home it was brown) and laid it on the floor but she mistakenly brought the fitted sheet so it didn’t lay as flat as we wanted. I was told that Steve stood up with some concern when pulled out the sheet but soon relaxed and just shook his head at us. Then we all got into position, me going first because James was to be lying on me and everyone else on him. We did this pretty fast and as we were looking up at the camera James said “Ok, everyone look really bored.” And the picture was snapped.

James was doing his autographs right after the photos, so we went to the autograph line to get ours. The line wasn’t too big and keep moving along at a good pace. But everyone still felt like they got a good amount of time with James. The line didn’t really go down, since people would just get in line once it got a little shorter. We had found out that James was doing personalized autographs (which he hardly ever does!) so we were all excited about that. As I got up to Steve I gave him his gift, he smiled and mouthed “love you!” Since I found out Steve weakness (Chocolate) I have exploited it! Steve was writing down everyone name so James could copy it and he wrote my name out without asking me but wrote with ‘GG” and I told him, no my name only has one ‘G’. At which point he looks up at me and says “How is it that I don’t know that” and then re-writes it with just the one ‘G’.

A friend of mine taped me talking to James and then sent to me after as surprised, so here is is.
We all hung around a little while longer to take pictures and talk to everyone. Then we headed to the food court to meet up with everyone. We have planned on getting together and hanging out. We were joined by everyone and many (including myself) went to get something to eat. There is a food court that the convention center that serviced different kinds of food, though they did rape you when it came to the cost. It cost me $12.00 for a small turkey sandwich and a coke and it wasn’t even very good.
We also made plans for that evening, since we were all going to have dinner. We had decided to go to a place called Burgers and Cupcakes but the original plan was to go before the concert, that was until they changed the time of the concert. It had been scheduled to start at 9:00pm, but they moved it up to 7:30pm. My guess is so that any of the gold pass holders who wanted to go to the dessert party could still make it to that, which also started at 9:00pm. But we decided to go after the concert instead. It would be a late dinner, but not much we could about that. Since James Q&A was scheduled for 5:30pm, so by the time it ended it would only give us about an hour in-between that and the concert.
We had a lot of time to kill until the Q&A, so many of us went back to our hotel room, to rest and freshen up. That was what I did and I have to say it was nice that our hotel was so close that we could do that. I called hubby (wanted to check on the pets, since our cat had been sick, I wanted to make sure he was still ok). But I couldn’t get a hold of him. I was also able to change for the concert and drool over some of my pictures (which were ready by then).
The girls came back and we all finished getting ready and headed back to the convention center. We got back and had a walk around the dealer room, to see what was there, it was the first time I had bothered to really see what was out for sale, since it was a horror convention not much interested me.
The girls came back and we all finished getting ready and headed back to the convention center. We got back and had a walk around the dealer room, to see what was there, it was the first time I had bothered to really see what was out for sale, since it was a horror convention not much interested me.
So we headed to the auditorium, which was just behind the dealer room. I have to say, it was not pleasant. There was just a curtain blocking it from the dealer room so all the noise got through it and it had really, really bad lighting so pictures were going to be a nightmare.
But we found seats and listened to whatever they were talking about, some movie about zombies that looked like complete crap. And then clapped politely when it was over. I then found my way to the microphone so I could be the first to ask a question. I know sad, what can I say. I didn’t have too long a wait until they announced James and he came out looking good and had changed into a navy v neck t-shirt and jeans.
He said hello to everyone and then started saying that he would start taking questions instead of telling stories, when he saw that we had already began to line up and he smiled and kind of said “Awww…” like we knew him already (well yeah).
But we found seats and listened to whatever they were talking about, some movie about zombies that looked like complete crap. And then clapped politely when it was over. I then found my way to the microphone so I could be the first to ask a question. I know sad, what can I say. I didn’t have too long a wait until they announced James and he came out looking good and had changed into a navy v neck t-shirt and jeans.
He said hello to everyone and then started saying that he would start taking questions instead of telling stories, when he saw that we had already began to line up and he smiled and kind of said “Awww…” like we knew him already (well yeah).
Then James made my weekend (I know it doesn’t take much) he turned to me and said “Hi Magie” I am not sure what the look on my face was other then the big silly grin but in my head it was OH MY GOD JAMES MARSTER JUST SAID MY NAME, OH MY GOD JAMES MARSTER JUST SAID MY NAME, OH MY GOD JAMES MARSTER JUST SAID MY NAME, OH MY GOD JAMES MARSTER JUST SAID MY NAME. Followed by JAMES MARSTERS KNOWS MY NAME, JAMES MARSTERS KNOWS MY NAME, JAMES MARSTERS KNOWS MY NAME, JAMES MARSTERS KNOWS MY NAME!
There wasn’t as long of a line to ask questions so I went back up to see about asking another one but he had to stop just before me. So no dice. But it was still a great Q&A and I really enjoyed it, drunken silliness aside.
Once the Q&A was done, it was off to line up for the concert. This when we some not so good Creation stuff happened. Over the course of the day many of us had been asking each other what seat each had for the concert and found out that everyone with a reversed seat (which was the higher price ticket) all had seats off to the far sides. I appeared that no one had the middle seats.
We soon found out that even though Creation had stated (this was their rule) that the tickets for the concert were NOT part of any package. Yet, some how they reversed the middle section for the Gold Ticket holders (What the Frak is that!). This was causing many of us to be very upset because, you know that people would move up and sit wherever they saw an empty seat. So what is the point of paying double for a reserved seat?
However both Jillian and another man (one of only 2 guys there) went to speak to the Creation people about this and they finally figured out how to fix it. They told everyone. That you could sit anywhere in the row you had a ticket for and that they would fill up the center first.
Both Krista and I were near the front of the line and both had row A tickets so, we sat together during the concert. Krista told me she didn’t want to be dead front but a couple of seats over, I didn’t understand why until I was sitting front row center, while it was a great seat, the microphone was also dead center and all my photos had it in the way of James face, which was irritating.
Once we were all seated we didn’t have to wait long for James to come out and start the concert, he came out wearing the same navy v neck t-shirt and jeans as he had during the Q&A, and still looking good.
Here is the set list (per the actual written set list):

VandalsLooking at you
Good Bye
All that she wanted
White Hot Girls (Not performed)
Don’t worry son
The Truth is a Heavy Stone
Fall of Night
Civilized Man
Long Time
Cowboy Song
London City
Finer than Gold
Not Fall Down (Not performed)
Once he was done, he said that he felt like we were too far away from him and asked us to move forward (if we wanted to) I had never seen such a large group of people pick up their chairs and move at the same time. However most of us realized as we grabbed our chairs that the entire row was connected, that lasted about as long as it took for the row to pull harder and for parts to come undone and people moved up closer to the stage. Many people even went and sat on the floor in the center aisle, but no one minded.

I did yell out and ask James if he was going to do White Hot Girls and he smirked and said maybe without looking up (he was looking at his set list).
But the noise stopped so he continued with his next song; soon however the noise came back and got worse. It was becoming hard to hear the music and James was getting more and more annoyed.
Here is the set list (per the actual written set list):
VandalsLooking at you
Good Bye
All that she wanted
White Hot Girls (Not performed)
Don’t worry son
The Truth is a Heavy Stone
Fall of Night
Civilized Man
Long Time
Cowboy Song
London City
Finer than Gold
Not Fall Down (Not performed)
Katie (Not performed)
Smile (Not performed)
For what I need (Not performed)
James came out and told us that he had a new song but that he wasn’t sure if he would performed it, but after we encouraged him he said "screw it - I'll sing it now!" It was really good and I found a video of it on YouTube, so here it is.
Katie (Not performed)
Smile (Not performed)
For what I need (Not performed)
James came out and told us that he had a new song but that he wasn’t sure if he would performed it, but after we encouraged him he said "screw it - I'll sing it now!" It was really good and I found a video of it on YouTube, so here it is.
Once he was done, he said that he felt like we were too far away from him and asked us to move forward (if we wanted to) I had never seen such a large group of people pick up their chairs and move at the same time. However most of us realized as we grabbed our chairs that the entire row was connected, that lasted about as long as it took for the row to pull harder and for parts to come undone and people moved up closer to the stage. Many people even went and sat on the floor in the center aisle, but no one minded.
James sang about 1 or 2 more songs and that was when the technical problems started, one of the main speakers started buzzing at first it was low but it got louder and louder. Soon James heard it and started look at the speaker funny. In between songs, he did check his guitar and at one point even went over to the speaker to check it.
At one point the sound guy came out and tried to fix it but it didn’t work, he also gave James another mic to see if that helped but it didn’t so about 4 or 5 songs in James unplugged his guitar and sang without the mic, he moved up to the front of the stage and sang clear and strong.
Here is another video from YouTube (The Cowboy Song)
However as he said he often hides behind the mic so for him to be open so vulnerable was hard for him, he performed Fall of Night with such heart breaking emotion it was almost hard to watch. The passion and intensity in his performance was moving. I could hear many people around me saying things like “Wow!” and “I can’t believe we just saw that”. So I wasn’t the only one who felt it.
Having been to many concerts I was expecting James to come and do an encore, so when Krista climbed up on the stage and ripped off the set list (it was taped to the floor) I told her you know he’s coming back and may need that. But I was wrong, he didn’t. While I enjoyed the concert and truly feel it was the best of his I had ever seen, I wasn’t ready for it to be over so I was disappointed it was.
We all went out and were very quickly ushered out of the area by the security nazi, who wasn’t even going to let a 2 year boy use the bathroom. As we were waiting at the top of the stairs for the rest of our friends to meet us. James came up the escalators to leave. I told him that that had been the best concert ever, he looked at me and asked “Really?” And I told him defiantly! As well others also said the same thing, so he smiled and said “thanks!”
We all went out and were very quickly ushered out of the area by the security nazi, who wasn’t even going to let a 2 year boy use the bathroom. As we were waiting at the top of the stairs for the rest of our friends to meet us. James came up the escalators to leave. I told him that that had been the best concert ever, he looked at me and asked “Really?” And I told him defiantly! As well others also said the same thing, so he smiled and said “thanks!”
Once we were all (more or less) together we made our way to Burgers and Cupcakes a short 10 minute walk away on 9th street. I had printed off maps for most people so everyone who wanted to go could make their way there. So when we arrived there was already a bunch there. We got there just after 9:00pm and only to be told that the kitchen closed at 9:30pm (WHAT? I called them earlier in the week to confirm what time they were open until and I was told 11:00pm) but as long as we order before then we were OK. I had the Lemon Grilled Chicken Breast Burger, and it was really good!!! In addition they gave us all free cupcake! Which were soooooooo good! We even got to take some with us. I was really happy I was able to make up for picking that terrible place at the Your Funny Valentine Event and that everyone had a great time. 
Sunday June 7, 2009
I was the first one ready, which is not the norm. How 3 such beautiful girls as Mariah, Jillian and Iesha take so long to get ready, when they look great if they just roll out of bed is beyond me. So I walked over to the convention center and got in line for the photos because if I am just going to wait around it might as well have a purpose.
James photo ops was once again scheduled for 10:30am and most people came in around 10:00am. James was once again late, but not so much as the day before, he came in wearing a brown polo sweater and grey pants.
As James was passing me, he stopped and said “It meant a lot to me that you said you liked the concert”. I was stunned, not sure what the look on my face was. I told him that I had meant it and that it really had been the best one I had ever seen. He also said “That was hard for me to do” I said I knew that and that at one point I was thinking that someone should go up and give you a hug. But then he was pulled away to start the photos.
James photo ops was once again scheduled for 10:30am and most people came in around 10:00am. James was once again late, but not so much as the day before, he came in wearing a brown polo sweater and grey pants.
As James was passing me, he stopped and said “It meant a lot to me that you said you liked the concert”. I was stunned, not sure what the look on my face was. I told him that I had meant it and that it really had been the best one I had ever seen. He also said “That was hard for me to do” I said I knew that and that at one point I was thinking that someone should go up and give you a hug. But then he was pulled away to start the photos.
For my Sunday photos, I had 4 pictures. I once again had the poses I wanted printed out, well 2 of them; I was going to let James pick the other 2. The first one (after I got my hello hug) was suppose to look like I was going to kiss him. I told him I would be getting close and asked if that was ok. He said sure, so I moved it, put my hand on his neck moved in and closed my eyes. Chris snapped the picture. James said “You should remember to keep my face more towards the camera so it wouldn't be so much in profile”, I realized he was right and said thanks, I will remember that for the future.

Since we were re-doing the group picture, the 4 of us waited to the end of all the other photos. It went the same as the day before. Chris had the doors closed, we told James we were re-doing the picture from yesterday and he laughed and said “What are you guys trying to do, take me back to the WB?” But was ok with it, since Chris had already spoke to him.
After we spread out the sheet (a white one taken off Iesha’s bed in the hotel the night before) and took off our shoes again. I laid down first and told James to lay his head on my tummy this time, he lay down next and Iesha next, then Mariah. Jillian stayed standing so she could position us into the right place. She directed us to move this way of that way, head down or up and so on.
We thought a lot about how we are going to do this and how it should look and had even coordinated our clothes so we would be jewel tones and stand out. It took us a little longer and at one point I asked James if he was ok and if this was alright. He said “it was fine, this was his job.” I started saying that even so if he wasn’t comfortable, to say so but he said “No, I mean this is what I do. We take photos for TV shows all the time, so this is just like a normal day for me.” I felt better about all the fuss we were doing, so I shut up then. I did ask once we almost ready if it was Ok if I put my hand on his hair, he said “sure”. Then when we were ready Jillian laid down in her position and I had her move down so she wasn’t covering James. But James said “It’s OK, I can see the camera.” So we were ready and the picture was snapped Chris, looked at the picture and said “One more” I guess just in case. But I can’t tell the different in them, since none of us moved. We all LOVED this picture it just came out sooooooo good and James has the ‘cat that ate the canary’ smirk on his face that I love!

We then went to the autographs that were right after the photos again. I took some pictures and then got in line for my Sunday autograph, which wasn’t very long again and was moving well. When I came to Steve I once again gave him a gift and he once again said that he loved me. James was personalizing the autographs so I handed my second Piccolo figure to be signed (there are 2 different figures a 6 inch I had signed on Saturday and the 4 inch I was having signed on Sunday.
A friend of mine taped me talking to James and then sent to after as surprised, so here is is.
It was only a little while longer that I realized I had my camera on video and had recorded it (must have switched the setting to video as I was changing it when I was talking pictures). And I had James in the frame the whole time, since I never meant to do it that was a stoke of luck and only happened because I bent down and the camera was around my neck so I put it on the table so it wouldn’t dangle and hit the table. I swear if I had meant to get on video it wouldn’t have turned out so good. And now I know exactly what he and I said (and how dumb and fan girl I sound).
After I got my autograph, James was still going to be signing for a bit. So Karen offered to take me around the dealer room, since she had already checked it out. Some stuff was interesting but it was mostly horror stuff I wasn’t interested in. I also heard a rumor that there were other guests at the convention (not sure I believe them) but I swear I never saw anyone. It was a very relaxed James only convention for us.
We got back to the autograph area where James was still signing and hung out with the gang. Some of which were making their way over to the food court. We all knew that after the autographs the convention was over and none of us really wanted that. Why they didn’t do another Q&A for James on Sunday I don’t know (unless they couldn’t because James had to leave). I did wonder over to a stall that had jewelry, some really beautiful pieces and as I was look the artist said “Hi Magie”, I turned to him with a big smile and said “Hi” then realized I didn’t know him and that I was still wearing my “Hi James, My name is Magie” name tag, so that is how he knew my name. I did however find a very pretty piece that I was interested in, sure enough it cost $6000.00. So no pretty jewelry for Magie.
And that was it no more James. Magie sad then…
We headed over to the food court since most of us were waiting to get our picture and get Chris to burn us a CD with our jpegs (that’s something I have only ever seen Chris do, but it is so convent!). We all hang out got lunch I had the baked Ziti this time and once again paid $12.00 for that and a coke.
We talked traded stories and just had some fun. When our pictures were ready, we all got to share them and check out each others. I love seeing other peoples pictures and hearing the stories.
Some of us were waiting for Chris still and decided to check out the dealer room once again. Though this time Jillian stopped at the stall that sold posters and since she wanted to get some. Since they were 3 for $25 and she was getting 2 I got one as well. I found a Terminator poster and since Linda Hamilton was coming to Toronto in August I needed to had something for me to sign.
After resting a bit, we all headed out to get some sightseeing done. Our first stop was Central Park, so we could take a Horse-Drawn Carriage Ride through it. I had never done that before and I wanted to check it out. We only took the 30 minute ride and it was still light out so we were able to see a lot. I had been too central park once before but it was during a week day. So to see that many people out was mind boggling. Almost ever square inch was taken up with bodies. It just shows how crowded New York really is.

Jillian had really wanted to go to a Bobby Flay's restaurant for dinner (he has 2 in New York City). I had original tired to get us a table at Bar Americain, which was closer to where we would be but they were closed for a private party (one of the Broadway show was holding their Tony Award dinner there). So we took a cab to The Mesa Gill on 5th Avenue and had dinner there.
The food was amazing! Though I had ordered a steak and I like my steaks cooked VERY well done. So when asked I always say, very, very, very, very, very, very, very well done. When it came it was a very large and think steak. I started with the smaller side which was cooked perfect, but when I got to the thinker part it was still pink and I don’t do pink. Since the steak alone was $35.00 I wasn’t about to leave it and I had the waiter take it back (I hate doing that and am always afraid I will piss off the Chef and they will spit on my food). But they were really cool. When it was brought back to me (by the manager) he asked if it was done well enough but when I cut into it was still pink. So they took back a third time. They kept apologizing to me for the wait and I kept saying it was OK and I hated being so much trouble. After they took it back the second time the manager came by the table and told me that my steak was on the house because of the extra long wait. I tired saying it was ok and they didn’t have to do that, but he insisted and Iesha told me to shut up and take the free steak. When it arrived the 3rd time it was perfect and sooooooo good. We sat and talked for a really long time. Longer then we had planned and it was after 10:00pm when we noticed the time.
We had planned to go to the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Plaza but because of the late hour we decided to skip it and take a cab to Time Square instead. I had been to Time Square twice before, but only during the day. Iesha said that we needed to see it at night, so we went to checked it out. First can I just say WOW! It really was lite up like it was day time. It was really cool. Though we saw all these people (about 2000) sitting around in lawn chairs looking up at the big screen. Turns out they were watching the Tony awards as a group. That was really kind of cool.

We walked around a little took some pictures and I even bought a T-shirt for my godson (his birthday had just past and I needed something to give him) at a store that was open. I was serviced by the most miserable unhappy and rude girl I had ever seen. It almost had me laughing and when Iesha asked what was so funny I told her I had never seen such a miserable unhappy person. She said well what do you expect she’s selling t-shirts at 11:00pm on a Sunday (true but still).
We were suppose to walk back to our hotel and enjoy the sights along the way but we were too tired and our feet hurt so we cabbed it back to the hotel and meet up with Mariah. We should have gone to bed and gotten some sleep but instead we stayed up to go know what time going over the weekend. We tried to do video diaries but that just didn’t work out well.
Monday June 8, 2009
The girls had to be up and out early and while I woke up with them and had breakfast, I went back to sleep after they left and got some more much needed zzzzzz.
After checking out and getting checking in for my flight (on-line) and printing my boarding pass, my shuttle arrived to pick me up. I was going to be early for my flight but the shuttle company said that if I went at the time I wanted they couldn’t guarantee that I would arrive in time, so I agreed to go earlier. Turns out it was a really good thing I got there early.
I walked up to the Air Canada counter, handed her my boarding pass and passport, only to be told. Oh your flight has been cancelled (WHAT?!). I am not sure what look was on my face but it couldn’t have been good. I asked why and she just shrugged and said it was due to the high traffic at the airport, but she would see what she could do for me. She was able to get me on the earlier flight since I still lots of time and asked if that was ok, early was good, very good that meant less time waiting is yucky airport.
It was a crazy wait since there was no place to sit and wait the gate was full and I mean completely by people who were waiting for a Jet Blue flight that was delayed and then with the people waiting for the Air Canada flight. I had to go and wait at another gate but since I couldn’t hear any announcements and was afraid that I might miss something, I ended up sitting on the yucky floor of the gate I was suppose to be at. I called hubby to advise of the change and he had the same reaction I did to my flight being cancelled, but promised to pick me up at the earlier time.
The flight back was uneventful, though I was looking forward to watching the end of Marley and Me (since I didn’t get to see the end of it on the flight down) only to find it wasn’t available in the movie selections. So I watched ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ only to arrive at our gate in Toronto before it ended. So 2 movie both of which I now have to find out how they end! Crap!
So that’s it, all in all it was a great trip/adventure!
We were suppose to walk back to our hotel and enjoy the sights along the way but we were too tired and our feet hurt so we cabbed it back to the hotel and meet up with Mariah. We should have gone to bed and gotten some sleep but instead we stayed up to go know what time going over the weekend. We tried to do video diaries but that just didn’t work out well.
Monday June 8, 2009
The girls had to be up and out early and while I woke up with them and had breakfast, I went back to sleep after they left and got some more much needed zzzzzz.
After checking out and getting checking in for my flight (on-line) and printing my boarding pass, my shuttle arrived to pick me up. I was going to be early for my flight but the shuttle company said that if I went at the time I wanted they couldn’t guarantee that I would arrive in time, so I agreed to go earlier. Turns out it was a really good thing I got there early.
I walked up to the Air Canada counter, handed her my boarding pass and passport, only to be told. Oh your flight has been cancelled (WHAT?!). I am not sure what look was on my face but it couldn’t have been good. I asked why and she just shrugged and said it was due to the high traffic at the airport, but she would see what she could do for me. She was able to get me on the earlier flight since I still lots of time and asked if that was ok, early was good, very good that meant less time waiting is yucky airport.
It was a crazy wait since there was no place to sit and wait the gate was full and I mean completely by people who were waiting for a Jet Blue flight that was delayed and then with the people waiting for the Air Canada flight. I had to go and wait at another gate but since I couldn’t hear any announcements and was afraid that I might miss something, I ended up sitting on the yucky floor of the gate I was suppose to be at. I called hubby to advise of the change and he had the same reaction I did to my flight being cancelled, but promised to pick me up at the earlier time.
The flight back was uneventful, though I was looking forward to watching the end of Marley and Me (since I didn’t get to see the end of it on the flight down) only to find it wasn’t available in the movie selections. So I watched ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ only to arrive at our gate in Toronto before it ended. So 2 movie both of which I now have to find out how they end! Crap!
So that’s it, all in all it was a great trip/adventure!