Wizard World Toronto Comic Con Report
March 26, 2010-March 27, 2010
Some of the guest that attended were:
Jewel Staite
Magda Apanowicz
Doug Jones
Kandyse McClure
Luciana Carro
Eddie McClintock
David Richmond Peck
Max Brooks
Gil Gerard
Erin Grey
Kate Hewlett
Michael Mahonen
They also have a large amount of reality stars, which included:
Adrianne Curry
Christopher Knight
Meghan & Cheyne (Winners of The Amazing Race)
Friday March 26, 2010
I left work early so that I could be at The Direct Energy Centre, which is located on the CNE grounds. It’s not the easiest to get to nor the most convenient place because there isn’t a lot around. It’s worse if you were staying at a hotel because there is nothing within walking distance, but if you were taking transit or driving it’s not that bad.
I got to the convention just after 4:00pm, picked up my pass and did a walk through to see where everything was.

I thanked Jewel for the autograph and left to look around, not that I found much. While the convention had started early in the afternoon, it didn’t look like many of the guests were there yet. I did run into some of my friends, Chris M., Sue, Colleen, Jen and Elizabeth. We all walked a round a little but soon ended up in the line for the Caprica Screening and Q&A.
Elizabeth, Colleen, Sue and Chris at the Caprica Panel

The panel, which started just after 5:00pm, was sponsored by Space Channel and as such it was hosted by Ajay Fry and Teddy Wilson who host InnerSPACE each night (a show on many of the sci-fi shows).

The panel also included Magda Apanowicz who plays Lacy Rand and Luciana Carro who plays Priyah Magnus on Caprica.

I did ask them a question later. I asked because they were both Canadian how they liked filming in Vancouver? They each said that they loved it - Magda because she was from there and was able to be close to friends and family and when you are working 12-18 hour days you need that around and Luciana because she really like Vancouver and being in Canada.
And here is the video of it:
Overall it was really great! After the panel was over we walked around and looked at the booths and who was where. I was able to snap a picture of Adrianne Curry in her Clockwork Orange outfit (on Saturday she wore a Wonder Women outfit, so proof she is a sci-fi fan).
We also talked to Froggy for a bit. I had to say hi and see how he was doing. He has had a rough time personally lately and I wanted to see if he was ok, Plus I wanted to discuss photo ops since he had Magda scheduled for a photo op during her Caprica panel. We had advised him of that before and he was going to see if he could get her to do one later on. Turns out that didn't happen, oh well.
I also spoke to someone who was handing out discount cards for David Richmond Peck who is currently staring in the series V and whom I wanted to meet, but I didn’t have anything for him to sign. I was, however, very much interested in getting one of the V posters that they had around since I had been looking at them on eBay but hadn’t bought one yet. So I asked if they had posters for sale at his booth and she said 'yes they did'. Goody!
So I went over to talk to David and see what posters they had. It turns out they were different but he did have a few of the V posters hanging around and I asked if he had any for sale and he said no, that he was sorry but not those. I said I understood, but would ask him again tomorrow to see if he changed his mind, he laughed and said better to ask on Sunday. Hmmmm so maybe I could convince him.
There was a Saw Cast Panel and Q&A scheduled for later and I believe we lost both Sue and Elizabeth to that, but the rest of us weren’t that interested. Though we did take pictures in front of the Saw Puppet. The guy told us it was the actual one used in the film, well at least the first one.
It actually got pretty quiet later on, so we (Chris, Derwin, Colleen, Jen and me) all headed out for dinner. Chris was nice enough to give us a lift and at my suggestion, we went to Shoeless Joe’s which was only a few blocks away. It will forever be known as Soulless Jews, because my Dyslexia reared up and that’s what came out when I was suggesting it. Chris about died from laughing so hard.
The restaurant wasn’t packed, though there was some game playing and we were able to enjoy a nice dinner and an even better dessert!
Saturday March 27, 2010
I had originally wanted to get there for the Max Brooks Zombie Q&A, which was one of the first things on the schedule for the day. But getting my lazy butt out of bed and moving proved to be much harder that I had hoped. So I missed it, and according to Christine and Paul it was the highlight of the convention so my bad and my loss! But I’ve made a mental note that if he is ever speaking at another event I will go and see him!
Christine and Paul

In fact I was worried I would miss most of the Battlestar Galactica Q&A that was scheduled for noon, but as I got there I saw both Luciana Carro and Kandyse McClure waiting just out the Q&A room (door was in the hallway) to enter. They were all alone (no handlers) and I remember thinking, why would they just leave them out like that alone in the hallway where anyone (it was even before the ticket check point) could go up to them.
I hurried in and found it pretty packed, but Paul and Christine had saved me a seat (aren’t they nice!) so I sat by them.

I asked how often they found themselves using the word “Frak.” Both said a lot and Kandyse said she uses it the most with her cats. Ok…
Here is the video of it:
Here is some video of them talking about what they took from the set:
Since some of the people I wanted to see were still not at their booths, I decided to head into the ‘I Saw You On TV’ panel, which was all about Reality TV.
It had Mikey Bustos (Canadian Idol), Vincent Desjardins (So You Think You Can Dance Canada), Johnny Fairplay (Survivor), Jessie Godderz (Big Brother 11), Meghan and Cheyne (Amazing Race), Tara-Jean Popowich (So You Think You Can Dance Canada), and Jessie Sulidis (The Bachelor 2010) and it was moderated by Murtz Jaffer (Reality Obsessed).

I did ask a question when they opened it up to the audience to Meghan and Cheyne from Amazing Race. I wanted to know how much down time during the race they actually got.

I got some of it on video. Meghan answered me and she said not much, that sometimes they got to stay in hotels but their longest pit stop was 36 hours but it was in a tent so it wasn’t very comfortable and even when they had down time, they were always thinking about the game so it never felt restful.
I headed over to Froggy’s photos to look for everyone that was going to be in the group picture. I advised everyone that if they were getting a solo picture with Jewel Staite to go ahead and get that done first and then come back to the end of the line, since any groups would go last.
I had my single photo with Jewel first and as soon as I walked in wearing my Jayne hat and holding the one for her, she held out her hands for it and said, “I remembered!” She gave a great “Yeah what about it!” pose and the picture was taken. I wished I looked a little less geeky and more cool like her, but I’m still happy with the photo.

Kate, Sunny, Colleen, Jen, Alex, Cindy, Paul, Me, Christine, Elizabeth, Sue and Chris, Plus Jewel. Froggy was having a little trouble fitting us all in and ended up taking a few shots.
After we were done, Chris K. showed up but he was too late unfortunately. We had already done the photo and Froggy wasn’t going to re-take it. Note to all when taking a group shot: be there early and don’t assume, like Chris, that it will take a while to get through the single shots because they go FAST! Froggy was nice enough to take a single photo of Chris K. and Jewel so that he had something.
Right after Jewel’s photo was both Kandyse McClure and Luciana Carro photo ops, they were doing both single and group shots, so I got a group one done with them. Both were super sweet and Kandyse asked me what my Canadian Browncoat t-shirt meant. I told her it meant I was Canadian fan of the show Firefly but I am not sure she understood the Browncoat reference and I didn’t have time to explain because Froggy was ready to take the picture. I was happy with how it came out.
I did find Magda Apanowicz, and had her sign my Caprica poster. I also asked her if she had any embarrassing stories about James Marsters because I would be seeing him again in June and if she did I could use them. (James is always looking for embarrassing questions!)
As I was walking around I saw Doug Jones, who was also walking around and looking at comics! So I took some pictures. He even looked up at me and gave a great look, he is sooooo cool!

Afterwards since we had some time to kill, Elizabeth, Sue and I headed over to get some food. We were waiting for Froggy to come back with our photos, so we knew it would take a little bit. We got some bad pizza (convention food tends to not be the best) and sat for a bit to relax.
I also got some pictures of some of the other guests:
GilGil Gerard Gerard

The interesting thing was that Sue was being shy about going up to him and asking for a picture, so I offered to do it for her. I can be really forward when it’s for other people - for myself not so much. So after lunch we went up to him and I asked if he would be willing to take a picture with Sue. He said sure but there was a charge of $10.00 (we’re all learning what the rules are with the reality stars). She said that was fine and we went to take the picture. I took it using Sue's camera and he actually posed for 2 of them. They also got to chat about the show and stuff during that time and he seemed nicer up close then even on the panel (where he seemed like a bit of a jerk).

Then it was time for Magda's photo op. I have to say she was just beyond cute. This was her first convention and her first photo ops with fans. When I walked in she said she knew what she wanted to do and gave me a hug for the photo. I just went along with what she wanted since it was all good for me.
After that, we waited for all the photos to be done and then a group of us made our way to dinner. I suggested a restaurant close to my place since it wasn’t too far from the convention and they have really good food. Christine and Paul gave me a ride up and the rest joined us there. The food as always was great and the company was even better!
Alex, Cindy and Colleen:
So that was it my first Toronto Wizard World Comic Con, hopefully the beginning of a new Toronto tradition!

A big thank you to the Wonderful Ali for editing this report!