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Well everyone, I am back form Los Angeles and a weekend spent with James Marsters.
It was great!!!
Personally whenever I read convention reports I always enjoy the details so I will be including many of them in this report, just thought I would warn you all!
Thursday September 7, 2006:
The trip started out promising (even though I had to be at the airport at 5:30am). I spotted a Star right away FRANKIE MUNIZ, the star of Malcolm in the Middle was on my Flight. It surprised me that he was flying alone (I always thought that stars had people with them to handle stuff) also that he wasn't flying first class. For everyone wondering, No, I did not go up to him. I did not want to bother him.
After I arrived in LA, and got to my hotel in Long Beach, I ended up taking a nap. Only woke up because my friends arrived and woke me up (I might have slept the rest of the day away). Once my friends arrived we out for some sight seeing!!!

-Marilyn Monroe's Grave.
-Grauman's Chinese Theatre
- Hollywood walk of fame

Friday September 8, 2006:

The dinner was really great, the food was very good, we had our choice from a buffet and it was all very good.

Saturday was in my option the real start of the convention. The really nice thing about the venue at the Queen Mary is that all the floors (3 of them) are open to one another.
So you know what is happening on the other floors. They had different things happening at the same time, so you almost always had your choice of what you wanted to do.

After lunch James had his Q&A, The question I asked him was: "What is your idea of the perfect romantic evening, if you were really trying to impress a girl?" I told him it was a little on the personal side before asking, in case he did not want to answer it, but James likes the sexy, dirty questions. He asked if I meant on a first date, but I said more like a 5th date. He then said, oh well that makes it whole different thing. He said that he first start with a drive maybe up to Santa Barbara, then followed by a picnic dinner, then maybe check in to a really nice hotel and let nature take it course (those are his words) followed by room service really late at night. It all sounded good to me!!!

After that Jane Espenson had her Q&A which was really nice, Jane is just the sweetest person!!! After Jane Tony Todd has his Q&A, he was nice if not a little boring, but that might be because I am just not that into him. At the same time as this Q&A were happing, Mercedes had her Photo session, but she left early so we went up right after Jane's Q&A she was already gone somewhere. This really upset us, because we had to pay extra for the pictures, and she had just left! However they managed to get her to come back to finish her photos. In mine I asked her if she could include her dog, since I thought he was pretty cute, so she is holding him for my picture. After this, they showed the Buffy episode "Harsh Light of Day" and had James, Mercedes (who were both in the episode) and Jane (who wrote it) on stage doing a live commentary for it. It was pretty interesting watch those three talk about it. Though Mercedes did not say much.
After that they serviced dinner, this once again a buffet and was very, very good. As we were staying in line getting our food, I saw Jane Espenson also getting some food, and invited her to sit at our table, much to my surprise she excepted. However once we got back to our table, these 2 women (who somehow did not realize it was Jane Espenson) wouldn't let her sit at the table and said that all the seats were taking. I just stood there looking at them with my mouth open thinking what the fuck our they doing? I started auguring with then saying we had an extra sit but Jane said it was alright and left to sit at another table. One of my friends then asked the ladies why they wouldn't let Jane Espenson sit down, they were both surprised it was her and then felt bad. One of my friends bought her a glass of wine to say we were sorry.

Sunday was a little more relaxed, we (my friends and I) met for breakfast where we ran into Jane once again. I invited her to join us again and promised that we had an extra seat this time. She thanked us, but said they she had work to do, and she did spent her entire breakfast writing. The convention started with an screening for the Buffy episode Something Blue (which is my favorite) the Steve DeNight had his Q&A, followed by a screening of a smallville episode that Al Gough and Miles Millar did a live commentary for. However I missed it completely since I was waiting in line for James autograph, that was really the only time I waited in the line (for any real time) the entire weekend. James was taking his time and talking to all his fans as they went up to him. I unfortunately had 5 posters for him to sign and was having a lot of difficultly with them so I did not get to really talk to him, since I was trying to hold on to those damn posters and keep them form falling off the table. He did say he liked my gift, but did not have time to take it out of the gift bag. He got a lot of stuff as gifts!!!
After James autograph, I went to get Mercedes autograph but she was not there yet (even though she was suppose to be) I asked Steve (the one in charge) where she was and he looked upset and said he wasn't sure and would give her a call. She showed up about an half an hour later. She was also scheduled to do a second Q&A which unless I missed it altogether did not happen. After Lunch Tony Todd and Michael Winnick had an Q&A about Shadow Puppets (I think, not sure since I missed that one as well) I was waiting in line with my friends so that they could get James autograph.

As a matter of fact I met these great girls there and they gave me the addresses to where I could find some locations where Buffy and Angel were filmed. So after the convention we went to find these places, one of my friends was too tired to join us, and other had to visit a friend but 2 of us had a blast and half finding/seeing these places.

-Angel Mansion
-The Hyperion Hotel (Angel's Hotel)
- Sunnydale High School
- Buffy's House.

But it was sooooooooo cool to see these places in person. My friend Kelly said it was like we were going on a pilgrimage, and after I said that we had seen our Mecca. After all that fun, we just headed back to hotel, I was so tired that I slept through one of my friends coming back to the room in the middle of the night, I did not hear a thing!
Monday September 11, 2006.

Yes, we hit Disneyland. We took the morning easy, woke up later had breakfast and arrived at the park around noon. The park was not crowded at all so we did not have to wait in line, for even the good rides. We hit almost all of them, and walked around the whole park, we did not leave until the park closed 8 hours after we arrived. It was a fun day.And I got a lot of pictures!!!
Tuesday September 12, 2006.
I had wanted to see a show taping while I was in LA, my first chose of The Price is Right was not taping at all that week. Damn I could have won a car! So I decided on Dr. Phil, since he tapes at Paramount and we wanted to do the Paramount tour away. We were suppose to be there between 7:30am to 8:30am. But we hit traffic once again, this time really bad, and we arrive at about 8:45am, this was too late for us to make the first taping, 2 of my friends were unable to stay for the second taping because they had to catch their flight home, and it would not give them enough time. But 2 of us stayed and watched the show, it was very interesting to see it live, though the topic was a sad one, it was about homeless and people that were one pay check away from being homeless.

After all that excitement and a full 5 days of fun, we headed back to the hotel. It took us over 2 hours to get back down to Long Beach, so we were so tired, and after dinner just went to bed.
Wednesday September 13, 2006.
This was a boring day, basically I spent the whole day, flying back and at the air port, and there wasn't anyone famous on the plane. Though the cats were really happy to have me back. My dog however seemed more interested in my suitcase them having me back, damn dog!
Well that is it my entire vacation!!! Hope you all enjoyed the novel I just wrote.
Thanks, Magie
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