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I have said it in the past but in bear repeating, brevity is NOT one of my strong points, but I will try and make this report as short as I can.
I attended my 3rd annual Polaris Convention and had a blast! While in a lot of ways it is a smaller convention than most, it is also one that always has something to do and keeps you busy the entire weekend.
The Guest Actors for 2008 were:
Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones from Torchwood & Doctor Who)
Jason Dohring (Josef Konstantin from Moonlight & Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars)
Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Ellen Muth (George Lass from Dead Like Me)
Rachel Luttrell (Teyla Emmagan from Stargate Atlantis)
Rainbow Sun Francks (Lieutenant Aiden Ford from Stargate Atlantis)
Cliff Simon (Ba'al from Stargate SG-1)
Also Polaris had some really great Guest Authors this year, they were:
Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files)
Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Star Trek: Federation)
Kelley Armstrong (Women from the Otherworld series)
Tanya Huff (Blood Ties)
Peter Watts (Blindsight)
Kelly J. Compeau (The Black Tower)
Derwin Mak (The Moon Under Her Feet)
Erik Buchanan (Small Magics)
Julie Czerneda (Reap The Wild Wind)
David Nickle (The Claus Effect)
Kenneth Tam (The Forge Fires)
Shannon Butcher (No Control)
It also has panels, panels and more panels to keep everyone busy!
Friday July 11, 2008:
I arrived at the Dobletree Hotel (Toronto) where the convention is held just after 6:00pm and check in, even though this is a locate convention for me, the hotel is kind of out of the way and it also runs really late and starts really early so we find staying there just easier. As I was checking us in, my roommate/friend Maggie happen to arrive as well. We went up to our room dropped off our stuff, ate our complementary warm chocolate chip cookies and headed off to pick up our badges for the convention.

Then we headed to get something to eat, since it would the only time that night we had any time. Because at 8:00pm I had my first panel, it was Dollhouse, when I first suggested the panel I didn’t know if anyone would be interested in talking about a show that hadn’t aired yet, but it was very well attended and a lot of people who didn’t know that much about it came to find out more, at the end we also had a little talk about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and since some people hadn’t heard about it, it was good to pass along the info.

Saturday July 12, 2008
We were not up too early but still early for me (I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!). Maggie was kind enough to go across the street to get Coffee and Bagels for breakfast while I took a shower and got dressed. Then we were off to see Gareth David-Lloyd Q&A. He was really great, seems like an old pro already and he was really funny! He did mention he was still “pissed” from the night before. He talked about his role on Torchwood and answered questions. I got to ask him 2 questions the first was if he was aware & what he thought about the fact that the kiss between Ianto and Jack had been voted best gay kiss. He said he was aware of it and that he took it as a big complaint because he wasn’t gay and he didn’t want anyone to think he was just faking it. My second question was about the fact that he and James Marsters were going to be at Dragon Con in Atlanta together and if they would consider doing another concert together? He said that he would love to, but it would depend on if they could get it worked out and if they could get any practice time before hand. He was also asked if he would be seeing John Barrowman while he was in Toronto and he said that he hadn’t been sure John was in Toronto and not Vancouver. Also that he had just gotten a new phone that he was assured would work anywhere and yet ever since he got here he couldn’t get a signal so he wasn’t sure if John had tired to contact him, because once again he couldn’t get a signal. I wasn’t able to attend his Q&A on Sunday, but I was told he was just as good and during that he was asked what he looks for in a women? His reply; “usually the clitoris”. Now that’s my kind of guy!

After both of those I headed to get my picture taken with Gareth, it started a little late but went quick once he got there. When it came to my turn, I asked for a hug for the picture (I always do with the guys) and he smiled said sure and really hugged me, my face was pressed up against his chest, NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING!!!

Once that was done, I headed back to the dealers room because that was where Jim Butcher was signing. I had been super excited to meet him since I LOVE the Dresden files, since line for signing was really long and some people brought every book he ever wrote to be signed, so it went a little slow. I brought 2 books a hard cover copy of Storm Front (given to me by my friend Christine) and Small Favour, which I had signed for James Marsters as a gift for his upcoming birthday. Jim wrote, “To James, Thank you for lending your voice to the Dresden Files” which I thought I was nice. I can only hope James likes it.

After the Masquerade, we headed to a Torchwood panel about Ianto Jones, called “Not just the Tea Boy” since this was a late night panel, we thought it might be rated “R” but in all honestly it wasn’t I was a little disappointed, not enough discussion about cute boy kissing in it for me. Then Maggie and I then went to our last panel of the night, it was called Dear Disturbed Dexter. We met up with our Ali again. I have to say this is the only panel, I did not enjoy. First the panellist were not great, one of them took over most of the conversation, their views weren’t that insightful and what was worse one of the panellist had brought his drunk as a skunk brother to the panel and he was just being an idiot. We ended up leaving before it ended. And off to bed we went.
Sunday July 13, 2008

After the photos, I went upstairs to get our stuff and check out. Since it was close to check out time. Once we did, we were able to store our stuff at the convention (they offer storage for anyone who is checking out of the hotel). We then went to the Kelley Armstrong singing, I had just started her books and I really liked them. I told her that she was completely responsible for me going into work half asleep because I kept staying up late reading, since I couldn’t put down the books (which was true). She was very sweet and even told me that she had sunk into one of my panels (Angel Season 6), gulp… glad I didn’t know that at the time, would have made me too nervous.

My first panel was the only non Whedonverse one, it was called: I WANT IT! GIVE IT TO ME NOW! And was about collectables from TV and movies. Actual at one point I thought we would have to cancel the panel because there was no one there. But a few people came in later on and we had a very small group one about 7 people. Also one of the panellist talked too much, the only reason I didn’t shut him up is because if he wasn’t talking then there would be no one talking. I guess people just were not that interest in talking about there collections this year.
My last panel was by far my largest, it was the only Firefly/Serenity panel called Big Damn Anti-Heroes about the characters of Firefly/Serenity. I was a little concerned because I was the only panellist of the 4 to first show up, one of them came in a little later (she had to come from the other side of the hotel) but the other 2 never showed. Though to be honest we were hardly required, since it was such a lively discussion and the room was full. It was great to see so many people that are still interested in Firefly.

After the Q&A, I was off the Geek Off Championship, this is where the 1st and 2nd place winners from all the fandom’s compete to win for the right to be super geek. I hadn’t competed last year because I was in line getting Katee Sackhoff autograph, and I wasn’t expecting to do well, since my knowledge of the other fandom’s is limited to say the least and while I didn’t embarrass myself too much (coming in 4th) I did get my ass handed to me a couple of times. The questions were super hard.
The last thing of the convention was the closing ceremonies which we caught the last part of and then it was all over… SAD…
A few of the Browncoats actual held a Shindig after the convention, and that was cool. By then I was so hungry I could have started crewing on my own arm. With the hungry and the fact that I was super tired, I am not sure how much fun I was, but it was still a good way to end the weekend.
Oh… and have I mentioned that both Gareth David-Lloyd and Jason Dohring are sooooooooo pretty!!! Just in case I haven’t well… they are!!!
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