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“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though she knows that you are slightly cracked”
People have asked me what is important to me and sometimes I don’t think they believed me when I said, my family, my pets and my friends. But if ever there is a doubt then now I have proof!
I was beyond pleased to be invited to my good friend Christine’s Wedding to her sweet new husband Paul, even though I had to give up seeing James Marsters in Orlando Florida to attend. And Magie loves her some James! But it was of course a no brainer! As much as I love James, I love Christine more (and no I will not admit this in person!).
So here is my report of Wedding and the weekend trip to London, Ontario.
Since we had to drive to London, Ontario for the wedding anyway, my husband and I decided to make it a weekend trip (well I decided and he just never said no). I figured we could have some fun while we there. Turns out that was a little hard then I had that because London, may be larger in population but still has a ever small town attitude! There were may a places I called that were not open when I would be there or just didn’t offer anything when it wasn’t summer, so no tour of the city, no tour of the Labatts plant, no first choice for restaurant to have lunch on Sunday. But we made the most out of it and did have some fun!
Friday April 17, 2009
After dropping off the pets, Apache went to my in-laws for the weekend, since they are the only ones he won’t eat and the kitties went to my mom’s. Though she likes having them too much and keeps asking if she can keep them. NOOOO!!!
We picked up my friend Maggie at her place since we were giving her a lift there. Instead of driving straight through, we stopped in Burlington for dinner. I have looked up a few places and picked The Pearl Street Café. It was a lovely place, that was in an old Victorian house right by the lakeshore. The meal itself was good, but this place was really known for its desserts and I have to admit they were AMAZING!
We arrived in London late, about an hour later then I had planned, so I called Chris and Paul to find out if it was now to late to stop in (they were having an open house for everyone to stop in) but they were still up and I really wanted to give Chris her surprise, so we made a quick stop. By this time Rick was cranky and didn’t even want to get out of the car and kept saying that we only had 5 minutes. He did change his mind and came in and said hello.
I was able to give Christine her surprise, a scrapbook of her bachelorette party. I had been planning on making it for her, for about the same time as I had been planning the party itself. As a result, I was able to include items in it that I had put aside from the party, like a copy of the menu, deflated bachelorette balloons, items from the gifts bags and so on. As well as all my pictures and both of Chris Mak and Donna pictures as well.

I actually managed to follow my own plans and get up early so I could go for a swim. It was the real reason I booked that hotel, because it had a pool, while the others in the area didn’t. The pool, was in the old part of the Armouries building, on the second floor. It was a really nice area and I had the entire pool to myself (Rick forgot his swimsuit again!).

While Rick was off, Maggie and met up and went to the Atmosphere Spa across the street. Maggie got a pedicure, while I got a manicure. It was very relaxing and fun.
Then we went back to the hotel for a light lunch, neither of us was actually hungry, but I figured if we ate later then we won’t be hungry at dinner at all. Rick was suppose to join us, but since he wasn’t hungry either he decided he would rather visit a few other places in town instead. At the end of our lunch Maggie’s friend Ian arrived and checked it and also joined us. I left Maggie and Ian to talk and went to my room to start getting ready for the wedding.
Rick showed up while I was getting ready and I could tell he had a good time because he was very chatty about what he did and where he went. We were ready and down stairs by 3:25pm, to meet Maggie. By then both Kerry (Maggie’s friend and roommate) had join her and Ian was also there. We took 2 cabs to the wedding site (I wanted to let Rick drink without the worry of driving.)
As we were leaving, we saw Paul and both his son’s Ryan and Ian leaving for the wedding, so we were able to congratulate them and wish them well.
During the ceremony they also had their friend Janice perform a poem in Scottish Gaelic. Even though I had heard a lot of Gaelic words before (can’t hang around this group and not hear them), it was so interesting to hear an entire poem and since they had provided the English translation in the program, it was cool to see what it all meant.
After that, both of Christine’s brothers did say something. Her brother Richard and his wife Tracy, went up and did a verse of the Letterman top ten list, but this one was the top things Paul would here Christine say for now on. And Richard would say it is Scottish and his wife would then translate. I don’t remember them all but #1 was “Buffy is on the telly”. Which they did advise that did NOT mean Telly Savalas was getting lucky. It was too funny!!!
After the speeches, they had their friend Dave come up and perform a song. They asked him to sign “I woke up 3000 miles from home in Canada”. It was a song I had never heard before, but it was beautiful. It was about Scottish immigrants who came to Canada.
After that it opened up the floor to many a musical number. Paul’s parents performed a few songs, which were great. They can sign very well! And then Dave did a few more. Including some of his own. Ian also did a song or two. Many of the song the guest also knew and were encouraged to sign along.
By this time it was late and Rick was beyond sleep (mostly due to not being use to drinking, so he has a few then wants a nap) so we wished the happy couple all the best and said our good byes and went back to the hotel.
Rick passed out on top of the covers and didn’t wake up until the next morning. I waited up for Paul and Chris to call me, since I had been an dumbass and forgotten their wedding gift in our car. So I wanted to given it them. They weren’t that far behind us and they called about 45 minutes later and I went down to “The Suite” and was able to give the small token and card. I also got to see the suite and it was beyond huge (when Paul had checked in the hotel had upgraded they to the biggest baddest suite in the hotel because they were getting married). This suite had 2 bathroom, a baby grand piano and a dinner table to sat 10. It was HUGE! And very nice. But I didn’t stay, after all it was their wedding night.
Sunday April 19, 2009
I was suppose to get up early, work out and go for a swim. But I was able to be good one day and stayed in bed until the last minute I could, so I missed doing any of it.
We were packed and check out of the hotel by 11:00am. We met Maggie down stairs at the hotel restaurant for Brunch. The hotel did a really good Sunday brunch (according to everyone I spoke to about it). And have trying it myself I have to agree. It was very good! But also really big! I hate when I never even get to a table to try the food on it. But I had to pick and choose and it was all so yummy! All three of us were stuffed and almost had to roll each other out of the place…
After brunch we started out sightseeing of London, I had only planned on going to a few places because a lot of places were closed on Sundays and we didn’t have a lot of time, with the ones that were open.
The first stop was Covent Garden Market, the Market has the city's best selection of organic foods, meats, ethnic foods, and the largest assortment of cheese in Southwestern Ontario, sweets, coffees and teas, and flowers.
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